RNA-seq of porcine peripheral whole blood from pig divergently selected for residual feed intake and treated with lipopolysaccharide

RNA-Seq mRNA differential
Organism: Sus scrofa


Log2-fold change
Adjusted p-value


Selected: 10 / 10

Showing 1 gene:

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Log2-fold change
Created with Highcharts 6.2.0'lipopolysaccharide;2 hour' vs 'none; 0hour' in 'highresidual feedintake''lipopolysaccharide;2 hour' vs 'none; 0hour' in 'lowresidual feedintake''lipopolysaccharide;24 hour' vs 'none; 0hour' in 'highresidual feedintake''lipopolysaccharide;24 hour' vs 'none; 0hour' in 'lowresidual feedintake''lipopolysaccharide;6 hour' vs 'none; 0hour' in 'highresidual feedintake''lipopolysaccharide;6 hour' vs 'none; 0hour' in 'lowresidual feedintake''low residual feedintake' vs 'highresidual feedintake' in'lipopolysaccharide'at '2 hour''low residual feedintake' vs 'highresidual feedintake' in'lipopolysaccharide'at '24 hour''low residual feedintake' vs 'highresidual feedintake' in'lipopolysaccharide'at '6 hour''low residual feedintake' vs 'highresidual feedintake' in 'none' at'0 hour'