RNA-seq for wild-type and Zbtb2 knock-out clones of mESCs in 2iLIF, EpiLC and SerumLIF conditions.
RNA-Seq mRNA differential
Mus musculus
- 'Zbtb2 -/-' vs 'wild type genotype' in '2iLIF' at '0 day'
GO terms enrichment analysis
Reactome pathways enrichment analysis
MA plot for the contrast across all genes
- 'Zbtb2 -/-' vs 'wild type genotype' in 'EpiLC' at '1 day'
Interpro domains enrichment analysis
Reactome pathways enrichment analysis
MA plot for the contrast across all genes
- 'Zbtb2 -/-' vs 'wild type genotype' in 'SerumLIF' at '1 day'
GO terms enrichment analysis
Interpro domains enrichment analysis
Reactome pathways enrichment analysis
MA plot for the contrast across all genes
- 'Zbtb2 -/-' vs 'wild type genotype' in 'EpiLC' at '2 day'
GO terms enrichment analysis
MA plot for the contrast across all genes
- 'Zbtb2 -/-' vs 'wild type genotype' in 'SerumLIF' at '2 day'
GO terms enrichment analysis
Interpro domains enrichment analysis
Reactome pathways enrichment analysis
MA plot for the contrast across all genes