AT1G56240 (PP2B13)

arabidopsis thaliana

F-box protein PP2-B13

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Arabidopsis thaliana
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Log2-fold changeSpeciesGene nameComparisonExperimental variablesExperiment name
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.1704 × 10-168.3
PP2B13'350 ppb ozone exposure for 2hr' vs 'control' in 'tga2 tga5 tga6'genotype, growth conditionRNA-seq of two arabidopsis triple mutants coi1-16 ein2 sid2 and tga2 tga5 tga6 related to Jasmonic acid, salicylic acid and ethylene signaling under ozone treatment to identify hormone-independant apoplastic reactive oxygen species (ROS) signaling
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.2706 × 10-468
PP2B13'flg22; 1 millimolar' vs 'none' in 'wild type genotype' at '90 minute'compound, genotype, timeRNAseq of wt and receptor mutant lines in response to 7 elicitor treatments over a 6-point time course
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
3.3814 × 10-161-7.8
PP2B13'efr-1' vs 'wild type genotype' in 'elf18; 1 millimolar' at '30 minute'compound, genotype, timeRNAseq of wt and receptor mutant lines in response to 7 elicitor treatments over a 6-point time course
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.2641 × 10-44-7.7
PP2B13'fls2c' vs 'wild type genotype' in 'flg22; 1 millimolar' at '90 minute'compound, genotype, timeRNAseq of wt and receptor mutant lines in response to 7 elicitor treatments over a 6-point time course
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.1565 × 10-247.7
PP2B13'12 hour' vs '6 hour' in 'pen2-1; pad4-1; sag101-2 triple loss of function mutant expressing MLA1-HA; Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei A6; virulent'genotype, infect, phenotype, timeTime-course RNA-seq analysis of the barley MLA1 immune receptor-mediated response to barley powdery mildew fungus Bgh in Arabidopsis thaliana
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.9351 × 10-387.3
PP2B13'12 hour' vs '6 hour' in 'pen2-1; pad4-1; sag101-2 triple loss of function mutant expressing MLA1-HA; Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei K1; avirulent'genotype, infect, phenotype, timeTime-course RNA-seq analysis of the barley MLA1 immune receptor-mediated response to barley powdery mildew fungus Bgh in Arabidopsis thaliana
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.7783 × 10-547.2
PP2B13'Pep1; 1 millimolar' vs 'none' in 'wild type genotype' at '90 minute'compound, genotype, timeRNAseq of wt and receptor mutant lines in response to 7 elicitor treatments over a 6-point time course
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
9.1547 × 10-60-7.1
PP2B13'pepr1/2' vs 'wild type genotype' in 'Pep1; 1 millimolar' at '90 minute'compound, genotype, timeRNAseq of wt and receptor mutant lines in response to 7 elicitor treatments over a 6-point time course
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
7.2291 × 10-143-6.8
PP2B13'pepr1/2' vs 'wild type genotype' in 'Pep1; 1 millimolar' at '30 minute'compound, genotype, timeRNAseq of wt and receptor mutant lines in response to 7 elicitor treatments over a 6-point time course
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.8742 × 10-66.8
PP2B13'flg22; 100 nanomolar; 30 minute' vs 'none; 8 minute' in 'wild type genotype'compound, genotype, timeEXPRSS: an Illumina based high-throughput expression-profiling method to reveal transcriptional dynamics - II
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
8.6675 × 10-356.6
PP2B13'350 ppb ozone exposure for 2hr' vs 'control' in 'Col-0 control genotype for coi1-16 ein2 sid2'genotype, growth conditionRNA-seq of two arabidopsis triple mutants coi1-16 ein2 sid2 and tga2 tga5 tga6 related to Jasmonic acid, salicylic acid and ethylene signaling under ozone treatment to identify hormone-independant apoplastic reactive oxygen species (ROS) signaling
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
8.6677 × 10-356.6
PP2B13'Col-0; 350 ppb ozone exposure for 2hr' vs 'Col-0; control'genotype, treatmentQuantitative trait loci mapping and transcriptome analysis reveal candidate genes regulating the response to ozone in Arabidopsis thaliana
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.6475 × 10-346.6
PP2B13'mechanical stimulus - water from spray bottle; 25 minute' vs 'none; 0 minute' in 'wild type genotype'genotype, stimulus, timeRNAseq analysis of early touch responses in myc234 mutants in Arabidopsis
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.7348 × 10-206.6
PP2B13'350 ppb ozone exposure for 2hr' vs 'control' in 'coi1-16 ein2 sid2'genotype, growth conditionRNA-seq of two arabidopsis triple mutants coi1-16 ein2 sid2 and tga2 tga5 tga6 related to Jasmonic acid, salicylic acid and ethylene signaling under ozone treatment to identify hormone-independant apoplastic reactive oxygen species (ROS) signaling
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.201 × 10-66.6
PP2B13'flg22; 100 nanomolar; 30 minute' vs 'none; 8 minute' in 'jar1-1'compound, genotype, timeEXPRSS: an Illumina based high-throughput expression-profiling method to reveal transcriptional dynamics - II
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.2332 × 10-876.4
PP2B13'flg22' vs 'none'stimulusRNA-seq of Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings treated with Flg22 or Pep1
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.4665 × 10-846.3
PP2B13'AtPep1' vs 'none'stimulusRNA-seq of Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings treated with Flg22 or Pep1
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
8.892 × 10-306.1
PP2B13'nlp20; 1 millimolar' vs 'none' in 'wild type genotype' at '90 minute'compound, genotype, timeRNAseq of wt and receptor mutant lines in response to 7 elicitor treatments over a 6-point time course
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
7.8341 × 10-296.1
PP2B13'12 hour' vs '6 hour' in 'pen2-1; pad4-1; sag101-2 triple loss of function mutant; Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei K1; virulent'genotype, infect, phenotype, timeTime-course RNA-seq analysis of the barley MLA1 immune receptor-mediated response to barley powdery mildew fungus Bgh in Arabidopsis thaliana
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.515 × 10-76.1
PP2B13'CT101; 350 ppb ozone exposure for 2hr' vs 'CT101; control'genotype, treatmentQuantitative trait loci mapping and transcriptome analysis reveal candidate genes regulating the response to ozone in Arabidopsis thaliana
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.4614 × 10-29-6
PP2B13'fls2c' vs 'wild type genotype' in 'flg22; 1 millimolar' at '30 minute'compound, genotype, timeRNAseq of wt and receptor mutant lines in response to 7 elicitor treatments over a 6-point time course
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.4776 × 10-30-5.9
PP2B13'rlp23-1' vs 'wild type genotype' in 'nlp20; 1 millimolar' at '90 minute'compound, genotype, timeRNAseq of wt and receptor mutant lines in response to 7 elicitor treatments over a 6-point time course
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
7.5759 × 10-355.8
PP2B13'mechanical stimulus - water from spray bottle; 25 minute' vs 'none; 0 minute' in 'myc324'genotype, stimulus, timeRNAseq analysis of early touch responses in myc234 mutants in Arabidopsis
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.2713 × 10-30-5.8
PP2B13'rlp23-1' vs 'wild type genotype' in 'nlp20; 1 millimolar' at '30 minute'compound, genotype, timeRNAseq of wt and receptor mutant lines in response to 7 elicitor treatments over a 6-point time course
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.9979 × 10-305.8
PP2B13'12 hour' vs '6 hour' in 'pen2-1; pad4-1; sag101-2 triple loss of function mutant; Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei A6; virulent'genotype, infect, phenotype, timeTime-course RNA-seq analysis of the barley MLA1 immune receptor-mediated response to barley powdery mildew fungus Bgh in Arabidopsis thaliana
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
7.0686 × 10-545.7
PP2B13'ozone; 350 nanoliter' vs 'none' in 'Cvi-0'compound, ecotypeTranscriptome analysis of apoplastic reactive oxygen species signalling in Arabidopsis thaliana accessions with varying ozone sensitivity.
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
7.2861 × 10-75.7
PP2B13'Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei K1; avirulent; 18 hour' vs 'none; wild type phenotype; 18 hour'infect, phenotype, timeTime course RNA-seq analysis of barley MLA1 immune receptor-mediated response to barley powdery mildew fungus Bgh in defense phytohormone signaling-depleted Arabidopsis thaliana mutant.
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.7682 × 10-65.6
PP2B13'Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei A6; virulent; 18 hour' vs 'none; wild type phenotype; 18 hour'infect, phenotype, timeTime course RNA-seq analysis of barley MLA1 immune receptor-mediated response to barley powdery mildew fungus Bgh in defense phytohormone signaling-depleted Arabidopsis thaliana mutant.
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
3.4715 × 10-65.6
PP2B13'flg22; 100 nanomolar; 30 minute' vs 'none; 8 minute' in 'npr1-1'compound, genotype, timeEXPRSS: an Illumina based high-throughput expression-profiling method to reveal transcriptional dynamics - II
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.5219 × 10-65.5
PP2B13'Te; 350 ppb ozone exposure for 2hr' vs 'Te; control'genotype, treatmentQuantitative trait loci mapping and transcriptome analysis reveal candidate genes regulating the response to ozone in Arabidopsis thaliana
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
6.1035 × 10-125.4
PP2B13'elf18; 1 millimolar' vs 'none' in 'wild type genotype' at '90 minute'compound, genotype, timeRNAseq of wt and receptor mutant lines in response to 7 elicitor treatments over a 6-point time course
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
9.9437 × 10-95.4
PP2B13'350 ppb ozone exposure for 2hr' vs 'none' in 'wrky75 mutant'environmental stress, genotypeTranscription profiling by high throughput sequencing of Arabidopsis wrky75 mutant and wrky25, wrky33 double mutant in response to ozone treatment
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.1899 × 10-73-5.1
PP2B13'sd1-29' vs 'wild type genotype' in '3-OH-FA; 1 millimolar' at '30 minute'compound, genotype, timeRNAseq of wt and receptor mutant lines in response to 7 elicitor treatments over a 6-point time course
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.5217 × 10-18-5.1
PP2B13'fls2c' vs 'wild type genotype' in 'flg22; 1 millimolar' at '180 minute'compound, genotype, timeRNAseq of wt and receptor mutant lines in response to 7 elicitor treatments over a 6-point time course
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.0617 × 10-155.1
PP2B13'18 hour' vs '6 hour' in 'pen2-1; pad4-1; sag101-2 triple loss of function mutant expressing MLA1-HA; Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei K1; avirulent'genotype, infect, phenotype, timeTime-course RNA-seq analysis of the barley MLA1 immune receptor-mediated response to barley powdery mildew fungus Bgh in Arabidopsis thaliana
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.5762 × 10-145
PP2B13'350 ppb ozone exposure for 2hr' vs 'none' in 'wild type'environmental stress, genotypeTranscription profiling by high throughput sequencing of Arabidopsis wrky75 mutant and wrky25, wrky33 double mutant in response to ozone treatment
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
6.1294 × 10-105
PP2B13'350 ppb ozone exposure for 2hr' vs 'none' in 'wrky25, wrky33 double mutant'environmental stress, genotypeTranscription profiling by high throughput sequencing of Arabidopsis wrky75 mutant and wrky25, wrky33 double mutant in response to ozone treatment
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
3.8422 × 10-71-4.9
PP2B13'lyk4/5' vs 'wild type genotype' in 'CO8; 1 millimolar' at '30 minute'compound, genotype, timeRNAseq of wt and receptor mutant lines in response to 7 elicitor treatments over a 6-point time course
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
5.0284 × 10-194.9
PP2B13'wounding' at '3 hour' vs 'none' at '0 hour'injury, timeTranscriptional response to wounding of Arabidopsis thaliana roots
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.7265 × 10-384.8
PP2B13'wild type; Botrytis cinerea 2100' vs 'wild type; mock'genotype, infectWRKY33-dependent expression of Arabidopsis genes upon Botrytis cinerea 2100 inoculation
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
5.9024 × 10-314.7
PP2B13'mechanical stimulation' at '25 minute' vs 'none'stimulus, timeRNAseq on touch-treated Arabidopsis thaliana plants
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.0483 × 10-194.6
PP2B13'flg22; 1 millimolar' vs 'none' in 'wild type genotype' at '180 minute'compound, genotype, timeRNAseq of wt and receptor mutant lines in response to 7 elicitor treatments over a 6-point time course
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
3.5188 × 10-104.6
PP2B13'350 ppb ozone exposure for 2hr' vs 'control' in 'Col-0 control genotype for tga2 tga5 tga6'genotype, growth conditionRNA-seq of two arabidopsis triple mutants coi1-16 ein2 sid2 and tga2 tga5 tga6 related to Jasmonic acid, salicylic acid and ethylene signaling under ozone treatment to identify hormone-independant apoplastic reactive oxygen species (ROS) signaling
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.145 × 10-74.5
PP2B13'S-nitrosocysteine; 1 millimolar' vs 'buffer'compoundTranscription profiling by high throughput sequencing of Arabidopsis leaf samples infiltrated with S-nitrosocysteine (CysNO)
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
8.4181 × 10-64.5
PP2B13'ozone; 350 nanoliter' vs 'none' in 'Shahdara'compound, ecotypeTranscriptome analysis of apoplastic reactive oxygen species signalling in Arabidopsis thaliana accessions with varying ozone sensitivity.
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.7721 × 10-104.2
PP2B13'wounding; 3 hour' vs 'none; 0 hour' in 'DMSO'compound, injury, timeThe effect of γ-butyrolactone (MB3) treatment on the transcript response after wounding of Arabidopsis thaliana roots
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
6.1465 × 10-34.2
PP2B13'tcx2; WOX5:GFP' vs 'wild type genotype'genotypeTranscriptional profile of TCX2 mutant
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.5688 × 10-184.1
PP2B13'wrky33 mutant; Botrytis cinerea 2100' vs 'wrky33 mutant; mock'genotype, infectWRKY33-dependent expression of Arabidopsis genes upon Botrytis cinerea 2100 inoculation
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
6.714 × 10-3-4
PP2B13'10 day' vs '0 day'timeTranscription profiling by RNA-seq of Arabidopsis thaliana (Col-0) cell lines following light exposure to study chloroplast development
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.1724 × 10-2-3.9
PP2B13'7 day' vs '0 day'timeTranscription profiling by RNA-seq of Arabidopsis thaliana (Col-0) cell lines following light exposure to study chloroplast development
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.2623 × 10-93.8
PP2B13'C24; 350 ppb ozone exposure for 2hr' vs 'C24; control'genotype, treatmentQuantitative trait loci mapping and transcriptome analysis reveal candidate genes regulating the response to ozone in Arabidopsis thaliana
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
4.591 × 10-203.7
PP2B13'Phytophthora parasitica' vs 'none' in 'wild type genotype'genotype, infectRNA-sequence of Arabidopsis thaliana lines gsnor1 and Col-0 post infection of Phytophthora parasitica against controls
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
3.2427 × 10-17-3.7
PP2B13'pepr1/2' vs 'wild type genotype' in 'Pep1; 1 millimolar' at '180 minute'compound, genotype, timeRNAseq of wt and receptor mutant lines in response to 7 elicitor treatments over a 6-point time course
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
3.3219 × 10-83.7
PP2B13'Pseudomonas syringae DC3000 COR-avrPphB strain' vs 'mock' in 'wild type'genotype, infectTranscription profiling by high throughput sequencing of Arabidopsis upf1-5 mutant challenged with pathogenic or non-pathogenic Pseudomonas syringae DC3000 strains
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.0294 × 10-2-3.7
PP2B13'5 day' vs '0 day'timeTranscription profiling by RNA-seq of Arabidopsis thaliana (Col-0) cell lines following light exposure to study chloroplast development
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.073 × 10-23.7
PP2B13'flg22; 100 nanomolar; 30 minute' vs 'none; 8 minute' in 'ein2-5'compound, genotype, timeEXPRSS: an Illumina based high-throughput expression-profiling method to reveal transcriptional dynamics - II
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
5.2274 × 10-8-3.5
PP2B13'24 hour' vs '12 hour' in 'Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei K1; avirulent'infect, phenotype, timeTime course RNA-seq analysis of barley MLA1 immune receptor-mediated response to barley powdery mildew fungus Bgh in defense phytohormone signaling-depleted Arabidopsis thaliana mutant.
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.4938 × 10-73.5
PP2B13'Pseudomonas syringae DC3000 COR-avrPphB strain' vs 'mock' in 'upf1-5 mutant'genotype, infectTranscription profiling by high throughput sequencing of Arabidopsis upf1-5 mutant challenged with pathogenic or non-pathogenic Pseudomonas syringae DC3000 strains
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
5.5827 × 10-5-3.5
PP2B13'efr-1' vs 'wild type genotype' in 'elf18; 1 millimolar' at '90 minute'compound, genotype, timeRNAseq of wt and receptor mutant lines in response to 7 elicitor treatments over a 6-point time course
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.0617 × 10-5-3.4
PP2B13'rlp23-1' vs 'wild type genotype' in 'nlp20; 1 millimolar' at '180 minute'compound, genotype, timeRNAseq of wt and receptor mutant lines in response to 7 elicitor treatments over a 6-point time course
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
7.8955 × 10-113.3
PP2B13'wounding' at '1 hour' vs 'none' at '0 hour'injury, timeTranscriptional response to wounding of Arabidopsis thaliana roots
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.9901 × 10-143.2
PP2B13'Pep1; 1 millimolar' vs 'none' in 'wild type genotype' at '180 minute'compound, genotype, timeRNAseq of wt and receptor mutant lines in response to 7 elicitor treatments over a 6-point time course
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
6.6536 × 10-63.2
PP2B13'nlp20; 1 millimolar' vs 'none' in 'wild type genotype' at '180 minute'compound, genotype, timeRNAseq of wt and receptor mutant lines in response to 7 elicitor treatments over a 6-point time course
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
9.5072 × 10-63.2
PP2B13'myb36-1 (pSCR::ER:GFP)' vs 'wild type (pSCR::ER:GFP)' in 'root endodermis'genotype, organism partTranscription profiling by high throughput sequencing of the endodermis of Arabidopsis myb36 mutants
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.3429 × 10-3-3
PP2B13'1 day' vs '0 day'timeTranscription profiling by RNA-seq of Arabidopsis thaliana (Col-0) cell lines following light exposure to study chloroplast development
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
3.1019 × 10-3-2.9
PP2B13'2 day' vs '0 day'timeTranscription profiling by RNA-seq of Arabidopsis thaliana (Col-0) cell lines following light exposure to study chloroplast development
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
3.7645 × 10-2-2.9
PP2B13'14 day' vs '0 day'timeTranscription profiling by RNA-seq of Arabidopsis thaliana (Col-0) cell lines following light exposure to study chloroplast development
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.1098 × 10-32.8
PP2B13'18 hour' vs '6 hour' in 'pen2-1; pad4-1; sag101-2 triple loss of function mutant expressing MLA1-HA; Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei A6; virulent'genotype, infect, phenotype, timeTime-course RNA-seq analysis of the barley MLA1 immune receptor-mediated response to barley powdery mildew fungus Bgh in Arabidopsis thaliana
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.9585 × 10-52.7
PP2B13'pdx3-3 mutant' vs 'wild type'genotypeTranscription profiling by high throughput sequencing of Arabidopsis pdx3 mutant plants
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
5.7305 × 10-72.6
PP2B13'Phytophthora parasitica' vs 'none' in 'gsnor1'genotype, infectRNA-sequence of Arabidopsis thaliana lines gsnor1 and Col-0 post infection of Phytophthora parasitica against controls
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
7.8841 × 10-52.6
PP2B13'18 hour' vs '6 hour' in 'pen2-1; pad4-1; sag101-2 triple loss of function mutant; Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei A6; virulent'genotype, infect, phenotype, timeTime-course RNA-seq analysis of the barley MLA1 immune receptor-mediated response to barley powdery mildew fungus Bgh in Arabidopsis thaliana
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
8.2227 × 10-5-2.6
PP2B13'24 hour' vs '12 hour' in 'Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei A6; virulent'infect, phenotype, timeTime course RNA-seq analysis of barley MLA1 immune receptor-mediated response to barley powdery mildew fungus Bgh in defense phytohormone signaling-depleted Arabidopsis thaliana mutant.
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.2213 × 10-22.5
PP2B13'abscisic acid; 0.1 millimolar' vs 'none' in 'rbm25-1 mutant'compound, genotypeTranscription profiling by high throughput sequencing of Arabidopsis rbm25-1 mutant seedlings before and after abscisic acid treatment
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
7.3419 × 10-42.4
PP2B13'18 hour' vs '6 hour' in 'pen2-1; pad4-1; sag101-2 triple loss of function mutant; Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei K1; virulent'genotype, infect, phenotype, timeTime-course RNA-seq analysis of the barley MLA1 immune receptor-mediated response to barley powdery mildew fungus Bgh in Arabidopsis thaliana
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.2648 × 10-22.4
PP2B13'35 day' vs '29 day'ageRNA-seq of Arabidopsis rosette leaves at four time points (29, 35, 42, and 57 day) during developmental senescence
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
5.5518 × 10-12-2.3
PP2B13'tunicamycin; 5 microgram per milliliter' vs 'none' in 'ire1b mutant'compound, genotypeExploring the link between ER stress and autophagy in Arabidopsis thaliana
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.0106 × 10-62.3
PP2B13'pUBI10::mCherry-GR-linker-WUS' vs 'wild type genotype' in 'trichostatin; 1 micromolar'compound, genotypeWUSCHEL acts as a rheostat on the auxin pathway to maintain apical stem cells in Arabidopsis [RNA-seq]
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
5.8453 × 10-4-2.3
PP2B13'18 hour' vs '12 hour' in 'Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei K1; avirulent'infect, phenotype, timeTime course RNA-seq analysis of barley MLA1 immune receptor-mediated response to barley powdery mildew fungus Bgh in defense phytohormone signaling-depleted Arabidopsis thaliana mutant.
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
3.5707 × 10-3-2.2
PP2B13'18 hour' vs '12 hour' in 'Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei A6; virulent'infect, phenotype, timeTime course RNA-seq analysis of barley MLA1 immune receptor-mediated response to barley powdery mildew fungus Bgh in defense phytohormone signaling-depleted Arabidopsis thaliana mutant.
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
7.3078 × 10-52.1
PP2B13'wounding; 1 hour' vs 'none; 0 hour' in 'DMSO'compound, injury, timeThe effect of γ-butyrolactone (MB3) treatment on the transcript response after wounding of Arabidopsis thaliana roots
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.3082 × 10-2-2.1
PP2B13'4 day' vs '0 day'timeTranscription profiling by RNA-seq of Arabidopsis thaliana (Col-0) cell lines following light exposure to study chloroplast development
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.0082 × 10-3-2
PP2B13'trichostatin; 1 micromolar' vs 'none' in 'wild type genotype'compound, genotypeWUSCHEL acts as a rheostat on the auxin pathway to maintain apical stem cells in Arabidopsis [RNA-seq]
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
4.6031 × 10-32
PP2B13'ATP, 1 millimolar' vs 'none'stimulusRNA Polymerase II read-through promotes expression of neighboring genes in SAL1-PAP-XRN retrograde signaling
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.8764 × 10-22
PP2B13'24 hour' vs '6 hour' in 'pen2-1; pad4-1; sag101-2 triple loss of function mutant expressing MLA1-HA; Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei A6; virulent'genotype, infect, phenotype, timeTime-course RNA-seq analysis of the barley MLA1 immune receptor-mediated response to barley powdery mildew fungus Bgh in Arabidopsis thaliana
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.541 × 10-41.9
PP2B13'1,4-dithiothreitol; 2 millimolar' vs 'none' in 'wild type genotype'compound, genotypemRNA-seq of Arabidopsis mutants of UPR modulators responding to UPR inducers
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
4.4398 × 10-21.9
PP2B13'Col-0 x Sei-0 F1 hybrid' vs 'Col-0' in 'Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato str. DC3000' at '1 day'genotype, infectTranscription profiling by high throughput sequencing of two Arabidopsis accessions, Col-0 and Sei-0, and their reciprocal hybrids after infiltration with Pst DC3000
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.4148 × 10-51.8
PP2B13'mechanical stimulation' at '40 minute' vs 'none'stimulus, timeRNAseq on touch-treated Arabidopsis thaliana plants
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
3.8784 × 10-41.8
PP2B13'clf28 mutant' vs 'wild type' in 'root'genotype, organism partTranscription profiling by high throughput sequencing of Arabidopsis roots, shoots, inflorescences, and siliques of wild type and clf-28 mutant plants
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.5085 × 10-3-1.6
PP2B13'Ler x C24 F1 hybrid' vs 'Landsberg erecta ecotype'genotypeTranscription profiling by high throughput sequencing of Arabidopsis Ler and C24 ecotypes and their reciprocal hybrids
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.4986 × 10-2-1.6
PP2B13'AtRsgA-i homozygous knockout' vs 'wild type genotype'genotypeRNA-seq of Arabidopsis thaliana wild-type and a putative chloroplast ribosome biogenesis mutant AtRsgA homozygous knockout
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
4.2424 × 10-21.6
PP2B13'PAP, 100 micromolar; ATP, 1 millimolar' vs 'none'stimulusRNA Polymerase II read-through promotes expression of neighboring genes in SAL1-PAP-XRN retrograde signaling
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
9.7835 × 10-7-1.4
PP2B13'efr-1' vs 'wild type genotype' in 'elf18; 1 millimolar' at '10 minute'compound, genotype, timeRNAseq of wt and receptor mutant lines in response to 7 elicitor treatments over a 6-point time course
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.1329 × 10-21.3
PP2B13'500 ppm carbon dioxide' vs '150 ppm carbon dioxide' in 'ca1, ca4 double mutant'environmental stress, genotypeTranscription profiling by high throughput sequencing of immature aerial tissues of A. thaliana seedlings grown at the low and elevated CO2 concentrations
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
7.099 × 10-3-1.2
PP2B13'long Poly(A)-tail; paps1-1' vs 'long Poly(A)-tail; wild type'RNA, genotypeGenome-wide analysis of PAPS1-dependent polyadenylation identifies novel roles for functionally specialized poly(A) polymerases in Arabidopsis thaliana
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
3.8128 × 10-21.1
PP2B13'hda6 mutant' vs 'wild type'genotypeTranscription profiling by high throughput sequencing of Arabidopsis fve, fld, and hda6 mutant plants
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.9694 × 10-7-1
PP2B13'pepr1/2' vs 'wild type genotype' in 'Pep1; 1 millimolar' at '10 minute'compound, genotype, timeRNAseq of wt and receptor mutant lines in response to 7 elicitor treatments over a 6-point time course
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
5.5445 × 10-31
PP2B13'Laccaria bicolor' vs 'none'infectTranscription profiling of Arabidopsis thaliana leaves as reaction to fungi (Laccaria bicolor) infection of the roots
F14G9.15, At1g56240
Gene ontology
Plant ontology
Ensembl gene
Ensembl transcript
Ensembl protein
Gene biotype