ENSMUSG00000082345 (Gm13622)

mus musculus

predicted gene 13622

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Mus musculus
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Showing 40 experiments:
image/svg+xml aorta circulatory system blood vessel brown adipose tissue white adipose tissue skin stomach duodenum pancreas spleen adrenal gland kidney colon small intestine caecum jejunum ileum esophagus gall bladder parotid gland submandibular gland lymph node parathyroid gland tongue Peyer’s patch prostate gland vas deferens epididymis testis seminal vesicle penis urinary bladder thymus femur bone marrow cartilage quadriceps femoris spinal cord lung diaphragm peripheral nervous system trachea hindlimb trigeminal nerve eye sciatic nerve intestinal mucosa liver heart brain skeletal muscle
Created with Highcharts 6.2.0adrenal glandbronchuscerebral cortexdorsal control neural epitheliumfloor platehypothalamuslateral nasal prominencemedial nasal prominencenon-floor plate neural epitheliumpancreasspinal cordtestisvaginaaxillary lymph nodecaudal brain neural epitheliumcorpus striatumepididymishead mesenchymeintestinal mucosalungmesodermolfactory epitheliumprostate glandstriatumtracheawhite adipose tissue
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Log2-fold changeSpeciesGene nameComparisonExperimental variablesExperiment name
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
3.7439 × 10-23.1
Gm13622'Lin- Dapi-EpCAM- CD31+td-tomato+' vs 'Lin- Dapi-EpCAM- CD31+td-tomato-' in 'vascular endothelial cell'cell type, phenotypeThymic T-cell progenitor development is supported by membrane bound Kit ligand provided by a combined vascular endothelial and epithelial niche.
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
6.9467 × 10-9-2.7
Gm13622'9V/null' vs 'wild type' in 'saline; spleen'compound, genotype, organism partGaucher Disease: Transcriptome Analyses Using Microarray or mRNA Sequencing in a Mouse Model Treated with velaglucerase alfa or imiglucerase [RNA-Seq]
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
3.6098 × 10-3-2.6
Gm13622'Fhl1 knockdown by siRNA' vs 'wild type' at '1 day'phenotype, time3' RNA-seq of differentiating (brown) mouse subcutaneous SVF cells upon knockdown of Zfp521, Fhl1, or Mxd1
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
4.0108 × 10-2-2.6
Gm13622'PTEN null' vs 'wild type genotype'genotypeRNA seq of prostate gland from WT, PTEN pc -/- and PTEN pc-/-;P53 -/- mice
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.0276 × 10-2-2
Gm13622'Mxd1 knockdown by siRNA' vs 'wild type' at '3 day'phenotype, time3' RNA-seq of differentiating (brown) mouse subcutaneous SVF cells upon knockdown of Zfp521, Fhl1, or Mxd1
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.3233 × 10-41.9
Gm13622'Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium' vs 'control' in 'derived macrophage from E14 cell line'clinical information, infectGene expression profiles of mouse embryonic stem cell derived macrophages infected with Salmonella typhimurium
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.2806 × 10-2-1.9
Gm13622'neurosphere in differentiation medium; 12 day' vs 'neurosphere; 0 day' in 'wild type genotype'genotype, growth condition, timeTranscriptome analysis of neurospheres derived from Cstb-KO mouse embryo brains during differentiation
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
3.3439 × 10-2-1.9
Gm13622'Fhl1 knockdown by siRNA' vs 'wild type' at '3 day'phenotype, time3' RNA-seq of differentiating (brown) mouse subcutaneous SVF cells upon knockdown of Zfp521, Fhl1, or Mxd1
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.1717 × 10-2-1.8
Gm13622'neurosphere in differentiation medium; 12 day' vs 'neurosphere; 0 day' in 'Cstb knockout'genotype, growth condition, timeTranscriptome analysis of neurospheres derived from Cstb-KO mouse embryo brains during differentiation
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
3.8753 × 10-2-1
Gm13622'neuron' vs 'differentiating progenitor'cell typeTranscription profiling by high throughput sequencing of proliferating neural stem cells, differentiating neurogenic progenitors and newborn neurons using a dual-reporter mouse line
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