Basic use

  1. Search across experiments
    1. Search across all Expression Atlas experiments – Species and gene query in JSON
    2. Search across all Expression Atlas experiments – Species and gene query in plain text
    3. Search across all Expression Atlas experiments – Only gene query in plain text
  2. Search in reference experiment
    1. Search in Mus musculus reference experiment for a multi-species gene query
    2. Search in reference experiment with a species-specific gene query

Advanced options

  1. Multiple gene query terms
    1. Search in reference experiment for more than one ID in JSON
    2. Search in reference experiment for more than one ID in plain text
  2. Proxying in and out
    1. Inbound proxy
    2. Outbound proxy
  3. Callbacks
    1. If the AJAX request fails
    2. When the widget is mounted on the DOM
  4. More options
    1. Hide the anatomogram
    2. Specify your favourite experiment


  1. Common errors and pitfalls
    1. When a gene query matches multiple species the one with most results is shown
    2. The render callback will execute before the fail callback
    3. Species and unqualified gene queries are case insensitive
    4. Google Analytics is loaded by default but it will not overwrite your own tracker, however you can disable it