ensmusg00000048013 (Krt35)

mus musculus

keratin 35

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Mus musculus
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Showing 11 experiments:
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Experimental variables
Log2-fold changeSpeciesGene nameComparisonExperimental variablesExperiment name
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
4.7849 × 10-7-5.6
Krt35'oral hard palate epithelium' vs 'tail skin epithelium'organism partTranscriptional profiling of mouse oral and skin epithelium to study their intrinsic difference in global gene expression
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.1538 × 10-4-3.8
Krt35'UV' vs 'sham' in 'DMSO' at '6 hour'irradiate, timeTranscription profiling by array of mouse dorsal skin exposed to UV radiation vs controls in mice treated with DMSO or selective tyrosine kinase inhibitor AG825
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
5.9255 × 10-43.7
Krt35'dinitrofluorobenzene' vs 'control' in 'Cnr1 -/- /Cnr2 -/-'compound, genotypeTranscription profiling of mouse Cannabinoid receptor double knockouts (Cnr1 -/- /Cnr2 -/-) in CHS model to investigate cutaneous contact hypersensitivity
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
3.9005 × 10-32.7
Krt35'dinitrofluorobenzene' vs 'control' in 'wild type'compound, genotypeTranscription profiling of mouse Cannabinoid receptor double knockouts (Cnr1 -/- /Cnr2 -/-) in CHS model to investigate cutaneous contact hypersensitivity
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.3123 × 10-2-2.7
Krt35'interferon gamma; 10 nanogram per milliliter and interleukin-22; 10 nanogram per milliliter' vs 'none'compoundRNAseq of small intestinal organoids from mice treated with the cytokines IFNG, IL-13 and IL-22 for 24 hours
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
9.6441 × 10-32.2
Krt35'carcinoma' vs 'normal'diseaseGene expression profile between normal mouse skin and carcinomas arising in the skin of RbF/F;K14creERTM;p107-/- mouse
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
5.3599 × 10-5-2
Krt35'acute oropharyngeal candidiasis' vs 'healthy' in wild type micecompound, disease, genotype, sexTranscription profiling by array of antibody blockade of IL-17-family cytokines in immunity to acute murine oral mucosal candidiasis
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.1661 × 10-3-2
Krt35'acute oropharyngeal candidiasis wild type mice'; female' vs 'healthy wild type genotype mice'compound, disease, genotype, sexTranscription profiling by array of antibody blockade of IL-17-family cytokines in immunity to acute murine oral mucosal candidiasis
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.7708 × 10-26-1.5
Krt35'Psen 1 and 2 null' vs 'wild type'genotypeQuantitative Analysis of Notch mutant (Notch1&2-null, Psen1&2-null, RBPjk-null) and wild-type hair follicle transcriptomes by NGS
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.1685 × 10-3-1.5
Krt35'tape stripping' vs 'control'treatmentTranscription profiling by array of mouse dorsal skin after tape stripping and treatment with winged bean extract.
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
3.9704 × 10-18-1.3
Krt35'Notch 1 and 2 null' vs 'wild type'genotypeQuantitative Analysis of Notch mutant (Notch1&2-null, Psen1&2-null, RBPjk-null) and wild-type hair follicle transcriptomes by NGS
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.6265 × 10-17-1.2
Krt35'RBPjk null' vs 'wild type'genotypeQuantitative Analysis of Notch mutant (Notch1&2-null, Psen1&2-null, RBPjk-null) and wild-type hair follicle transcriptomes by NGS