ensmusg00000090470 (Prr23a3)

mus musculus

proline rich 23A, member 3

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Mus musculus
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Showing 8 experiments:
image/svg+xml aorta circulatory system blood vessel brown adipose tissue white adipose tissue skin stomach duodenum pancreas spleen adrenal gland kidney colon small intestine caecum jejunum ileum esophagus gall bladder parotid gland submandibular gland lymph node parathyroid gland tongue Peyer’s patch prostate gland vas deferens epididymis testis seminal vesicle penis urinary bladder thymus femur bone marrow cartilage quadriceps femoris spinal cord lung diaphragm peripheral nervous system trachea hindlimb trigeminal nerve eye sciatic nerve intestinal mucosa liver heart brain skeletal muscle
Created with Highcharts 6.2.0arcuate nucleus of hypothalamusbrainbrown adipose tissuecentral neural epitheliumcerebellumcolondorsal control neural epitheliumdorsal raphe nucleusepidermal ectodermhead mesenchymeheartkidneylateral nasal prominencelateral prominence neural epitheliumliverlungmandibular archmaxillary archmedial nasal prominenceolfactory pitskeletal muscle tissuespleentestisthymuswhite adipose tissuezone of skin
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Experimental variables
Log2-fold changeSpeciesGene nameComparisonExperimental variablesExperiment name
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
5.217 × 10-63.8
Prr23a3'stabilization-competent' vs 'stabilization-incompetent' in '23 day; secondary reprogramming cell'age, cell type, phenotypeTranscription profiling by high throughput sequencing in gene expresion profile of 4 SC clones and 4 SI clones at different time points defined a stabilization competency signiture
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.953 × 10-8-2.9
Prr23a3'7 day' vs '0 day'ageTranscription profiling of mouse embyronic stem cell line CGR8 during the first 10 days of differentiation into embryoid bodies
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.8408 × 10-9-2.8
Prr23a3'6 day' vs '0 day'ageTranscription profiling of mouse embyronic stem cell line CGR8 during the first 10 days of differentiation into embryoid bodies
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
7.9288 × 10-8-2.8
Prr23a3'10 day' vs '0 day'ageTranscription profiling of mouse embyronic stem cell line CGR8 during the first 10 days of differentiation into embryoid bodies
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.5005 × 10-8-2.7
Prr23a3'5 day' vs '0 day'ageTranscription profiling of mouse embyronic stem cell line CGR8 during the first 10 days of differentiation into embryoid bodies
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.7796 × 10-3-2.7
Prr23a3'adenoviral vector expressing human ACE2' vs 'empty adenoviral vector'genotypeRNA-seq of SARS-CoV-2 infected lungs from mice sensitized for SARS-CoV-2 infection by Ad5-hACE2 transduction compared to non-sensitized mice
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
9.8462 × 10-8-2.6
Prr23a3'4 day' vs '0 day'ageTranscription profiling of mouse embyronic stem cell line CGR8 during the first 10 days of differentiation into embryoid bodies
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.3686 × 10-6-2.2
Prr23a3'3 day' vs '0 day'ageTranscription profiling of mouse embyronic stem cell line CGR8 during the first 10 days of differentiation into embryoid bodies
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.0721 × 10-182
Prr23a3'8.5 millimolar; methoxyacetic acid' vs 'none' at '24 hour'compound, timeTranscription profiling by array of mouse embryonic stem cells after treatment with 5-fluourouracil, methoxyacetic acid, monobutl phthalate, Penicillin G, retinoic acid or valproic acid
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.036 × 10-21.6
Prr23a3'19BL; differentiated 3factor-reprogrammed induced pluripotent stem cell' vs 'R1; differentiated embryonic stem cell' at '5 day'cell line, growth condition, timeNatural cardiogenesis-based template predicts cardiogenic potential of induced pluripotent stem cell lines
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.8771 × 10-81.5
Prr23a3'0.8 millimolar; valproic acid' vs 'none' at '24 hour'compound, timeTranscription profiling by array of mouse embryonic stem cells after treatment with 5-fluourouracil, methoxyacetic acid, monobutl phthalate, Penicillin G, retinoic acid or valproic acid
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.0759 × 10-4-1.1
Prr23a3'2 day' vs '0 day'ageTranscription profiling of mouse embyronic stem cell line CGR8 during the first 10 days of differentiation into embryoid bodies
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
8.0963 × 10-41.1
Prr23a3'dmrt1 knockout' vs 'wild type' in '129Sv'genotype, strainDmrt1 (doublesex and mab-3 related transcription factor 1) conditional knockout expression analysis of E15.5 testes.
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
3.3002 × 10-91
Prr23a3'0.45 micromolar; 5-fluourouracil' vs 'none' at '24 hour'compound, timeTranscription profiling by array of mouse embryonic stem cells after treatment with 5-fluourouracil, methoxyacetic acid, monobutl phthalate, Penicillin G, retinoic acid or valproic acid
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.2241 × 10-2-1
Prr23a3'Dicer knock out' vs 'wild type'genotypeTranscription profiling by array of mouse Dicer-deficient ooctyes