ensmusg00000042138 (Msantd2)

mus musculus

Myb/SANT-like DNA-binding domain containing 2

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Mus musculus
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Experimental variables
Log2-fold changeSpeciesGene nameComparisonExperimental variablesExperiment name
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
5.7642 × 10-6-2.8
Msantd2'alpha-amanitin; maternal Ring1-Rnf+' vs 'none; maternal Ring1-Rnf+'compound, genotypePolycomb function during oogenesis is required for mouse early embryonic development (2-cell embryos)
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.2983 × 10-9-1.7
Msantd2'26 day' vs '0 day'ageGene expression profile of mouse differentiating embryonic stem cells (day 0, 6, 16, and 26)
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.1866 × 10-51.6
Msantd2'conditional Kras and p53 mutation induced soft tissue sarcoma' vs 'normal'diseaseTranscription profiling by array of mouse soft tissue sarcoma samples induced by conditional mutations of Kras and p53 against healthy muscles from mice of the same genotype but no induced sarcoma
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.5251 × 10-41.5
Msantd2'V6.5; embryonic stem cell’ vs 'wild type; endothelial'cell line, cell type, genotypeCD47 Inhibits Self-renewal and Reprogramming by Regulating c-Myc and Other Stem Cell Transcription Factors
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.1327 × 10-31.5
Msantd2'tumor' vs 'normal' in 'liver'clinical information, organism partPremature termination of in vivo reprogramming leads to cancer development through altered epigenetic regulation [array]
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.1534 × 10-21.5
Msantd2'unilateral ureteral obstruction' vs 'sham' in 'TIMP3 -/-'genotype, treatmentTIMP2 and TIMP3 have divergent roles in early renal tubulointerstitial injury
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
6.3765 × 10-7-1.4
Msantd2'10 day' vs '0 day'ageTranscription profiling of mouse embyronic stem cell line CGR8 during the first 10 days of differentiation into embryoid bodies
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
5.1092 × 10-6-1.4
Msantd2'extracellular vesicle; MET cell culture medium' vs 'none'sampling site, stimulusCellular and extracellular vesicle RNA sequence for E-cadherin-RFP EMT reporter system expressing mouse breast cancer cell line Py2T during EMT/MET
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.8482 × 10-41.4
Msantd2'inh-alpha/Tag transgenic' vs 'wild type' in 'none'compound, genotypeNovel genes involved in the pathophysiology of gonadotropin-dependent adrenocortical tumorigenesis in mice.
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.6655 × 10-3-1.4
Msantd2'extracellular vesicle; EMT cell culture medium' vs 'none'sampling site, stimulusCellular and extracellular vesicle RNA sequence for E-cadherin-RFP EMT reporter system expressing mouse breast cancer cell line Py2T during EMT/MET
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
4.8329 × 10-31.4
Msantd2'lipopolysaccharide; 10 nanogram per milliliter' vs 'none' in 'Hoxb8-FL; wild type genotype'cell line, compound, genotypeBulk RNA-seq of wild type and MEF2A or MEF2C/D knockout mouse bone marrow macrophages under different stimulation conditions
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.2585 × 10-2-1.4
Msantd2'fear conditioning' vs 'none'stimulusGene-expression changes in neurons active during contextual fear conditioning compared to controls left in the homecage
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
4.8561 × 10-61.3
Msantd2'confluent monolayer on collagen' at '7 day' vs 'freshly isolated' at '0 day'growth condition, timeTranscription profiling of primary mouse hepatocytes under different culture conditions
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.3615 × 10-3-1.3
Msantd2'cetrorelix; 3 milligram per kilogram' vs 'none' in 'inh-alpha/Tag transgenic'compound, genotypeNovel genes involved in the pathophysiology of gonadotropin-dependent adrenocortical tumorigenesis in mice.
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
5.8464 × 10-3-1.3
Msantd2'fetal definitive erythroid cell' vs 'primitive erythroid cell' in 'mix of orthochromatic and polychromatophilic erythroblast'cell type, phenotypeTranscription profiling by array of differentiating primary primitive and definitive mouse red blood cells
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
3.9021 × 10-21.3
Msantd2'induction of polymicrobial sepsis' vs 'control' at '72 hour' in '1.5 to 3 month mice'age, time, treatmentAged Mice are Unable to Mount an Effective Myeloid Response to Sepsis
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.9979 × 10-71.2
Msantd2'hepatocyte-derived proliferative ducts (hepPDs)' vs 'hepatocyte'cell typeTranscription profiling by high throughput sequencing of hepatocyte-derived progenitors cells in a mouse model of oval cell activation
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
6.2955 × 10-61.2
Msantd2'reduced expression of miR-25' vs 'wild type'phenotypeTranscription profiling by high throughput sequencing of wild type and miR-25 agomir or antagomir treated mice
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.3122 × 10-3-1.2
Msantd2'trichostatin A and LIF' at '12 hour' vs 'none' at '0 hour'compound, timeTranscription profiling of mouse embryonic stem cell line CGR8 grown in presence of Leukemia Inhibitory Factor and treated with trichostatin A
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
4.2055 × 10-31.2
Msantd2'synovial sarcoma' vs 'normal'diseaseTranscription profiling by array of tumors excised from conditional mouse model of synovial sarcoma compared to skeletal muscle from wild type mice
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.8388 × 10-2-1.2
Msantd2'neurosphere in differentiation medium; 12 day' vs 'neurosphere; 0 day' in 'wild type genotype'genotype, growth condition, timeTranscriptome analysis of neurospheres derived from Cstb-KO mouse embryo brains during differentiation
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.4689 × 10-6-1.1
Msantd2'7 day' vs '0 day'ageTranscription profiling of mouse embyronic stem cell line CGR8 during the first 10 days of differentiation into embryoid bodies
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
3.0627 × 10-6-1.1
Msantd2'16 day' vs '0 day'ageGene expression profile of mouse differentiating embryonic stem cells (day 0, 6, 16, and 26)
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
3.6453 × 10-61.1
Msantd2'hematopoietic stem cell and hematopoietic multipotent progenitor cell' vs 'common myeloid progenitor'cell typeTranscription profiling by high throughput sequencing between multipotent hematopoietic stem progenitor cells LS+K) and myeloid committed cells (LS−K) of the mouse bone marrow
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
9.0909 × 10-61.1
Msantd2'Helicobacter hepaticus' vs 'none' in 'Alpk1 homozygous knockout'infect, phenotypeWhole transcriptome profiling of the steady state and Hh-treated (8 hrs) Alpk1+/- (heterozygous) and Alpk1-/- (knockout) BMDMs using RNA-Sequencing approach
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
7.1598 × 10-41.1
Msantd2'tumor' vs 'normal' in 'kidney'clinical information, organism partPremature termination of in vivo reprogramming leads to cancer development through altered epigenetic regulation [array]
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.8148 × 10-3-1.1
Msantd2'trichostatin A and LIF' at '6 hour' vs 'none' at '0 hour'compound, timeTranscription profiling of mouse embryonic stem cell line CGR8 grown in presence of Leukemia Inhibitory Factor and treated with trichostatin A
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
4.1224 × 10-2-1.1
Msantd2'actinomycin D; 8 hour' vs 'none' in 'Cnot1 flox/flox'compound, genotype, timeRNA-seq of livers in control and Cnot1 tamoxifen-inducible liver-specific knockout mice
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
5.4414 × 10-51
Msantd2'Helicobacter hepaticus' vs 'none' in 'wild type phenotype'infect, phenotypeWhole transcriptome profiling of the steady state and Hh-treated (8 hrs) Alpk1+/- (heterozygous) and Alpk1-/- (knockout) BMDMs using RNA-Sequencing approach
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.8843 × 10-4-1
Msantd2'Cln3Δex7/8' vs 'wild type genotype' in 'vehicle; male'compound, genotype, sexGene expression analyses in male and female Cln3Δex7/8 mouse brains following oral administration of flupirtine for 14 weeks
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.0173 × 10-41
Msantd2'renin-expression' vs 'control'phenotypeExpression data from mouse bone marrow cells expressing renin driven expression of green fluorescent protein.
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
9.2152 × 10-4-1
Msantd2'Cln3Δex7/8' vs 'wild type genotype' in 'vehicle; female'compound, genotype, sexGene expression analyses in male and female Cln3Δex7/8 mouse brains following oral administration of flupirtine for 14 weeks
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.0255 × 10-3-1
Msantd2'pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukemia 8093; nilotinib; 3 day' vs 'pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukemia 8093; nilotinib; 0 day'cell type, compound, timeDrug tolerance development of mouse Bcr/Abl pre-B ALL cells on irradiated MEFs
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.8749 × 10-31
Msantd2'stabilization-competent' vs 'stabilization-incompetent' in '23 day; secondary reprogramming cell'age, cell type, phenotypeTranscription profiling by high throughput sequencing in gene expresion profile of 4 SC clones and 4 SI clones at different time points defined a stabilization competency signiture
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
4.7126 × 10-3-1
Msantd2'21 percent oxygen, 37 degree Celsius, 10 percent serum' vs 'none'growth conditionRNA sequencing of native and ex vivo cultured murine tail tendon fascicles
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.2521 × 10-21
Msantd2'conditional UPF2 knockout; before partial hepatechtomy' vs 'control; before partial hepatechtomy'genotype, sampling timeTranscription profiling of livers of adult UPF2 null mice in response to partial hepatechtomy