ensmusg00000059842 (Zfp341)

mus musculus

zinc finger protein 341

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Mus musculus
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Showing 8 experiments:
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Created with Highcharts 6.2.0arcuate nucleus of hypothalamusbrainbrown adipose tissuecentral neural epitheliumcerebellumcolondorsal control neural epitheliumdorsal raphe nucleusepidermal ectodermhead mesenchymeheartkidneylateral nasal prominencelateral prominence neural epitheliumliverlungmandibular archmaxillary archmedial nasal prominenceolfactory pitskeletal muscle tissuespleentestisthymuswhite adipose tissuezone of skin
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Log2-fold changeSpeciesGene nameComparisonExperimental variablesExperiment name
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
6.9457 × 10-3-3.5
Zfp341'neural stem cell' vs 'niche cell'cell typeTranscription profiling by high throughput sequencing of three populations of primary dentate gyrus cells
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
8.9825 × 10-53.2
Zfp341'fetal definitive erythroid cell' vs 'primitive erythroid cell' in 'reticulocyte'cell type, phenotypeTranscription profiling by array of differentiating primary primitive and definitive mouse red blood cells
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
7.4242 × 10-32.5
Zfp341'PTEN null' vs 'wild type genotype'genotypeRNA seq of prostate gland from WT, PTEN pc -/- and PTEN pc-/-;P53 -/- mice
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
3.6348 × 10-32.3
Zfp341'myeloid lineage restricted progenitor cell' vs 'long term hematopoietic stem cell' in 'Elp3fl/fl'cell type, genotypeRNA-seq of long-term hematopoietic stem cells and myeloid progenitors of control mice or mice conditionally deficient for Trp53 or Elp3 or both genes in the hematopoietic system
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.9155 × 10-32.1
Zfp341'fetal definitive erythroid cell' vs 'primitive erythroid cell' in 'mix of orthochromatic and polychromatophilic erythroblast'cell type, phenotypeTranscription profiling by array of differentiating primary primitive and definitive mouse red blood cells
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.0145 × 10-31.9
Zfp341'fetal definitive erythroid cell' vs 'primitive erythroid cell' in 'basophilic erythroblast'cell type, phenotypeTranscription profiling by array of differentiating primary primitive and definitive mouse red blood cells
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
3.0505 × 10-31.6
Zfp341'extracellular vesicle; EMT cell culture medium' vs 'none'sampling site, stimulusCellular and extracellular vesicle RNA sequence for E-cadherin-RFP EMT reporter system expressing mouse breast cancer cell line Py2T during EMT/MET
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
5.0121 × 10-31.6
Zfp341'extracellular vesicle; non-stimulated culture medium' vs 'none'sampling site, stimulusCellular and extracellular vesicle RNA sequence for E-cadherin-RFP EMT reporter system expressing mouse breast cancer cell line Py2T during EMT/MET
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
3.2211 × 10-41.5
Zfp341'AZD5069; 100 milligram per kilogram' vs 'none'compoundRNA-seq to investigate differentially expressed genes in KPC mouse PDAC treated with CSF-1R small molecule inhibitor AZD7507 and/or the CXCR2 small molecule inhibitor AZD5069
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
8.6519 × 10-3-1.5
Zfp341'heat-shocked at 42 degreeC' vs 'grown at 33 degreeC' in 'HdhQ111 knock-in'genotype, growth conditionTranscription profiling by array of mouse wild type and Htt mutant striatal cells upon heat shock
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.9545 × 10-3-1.3
Zfp341'metaphase II oocyte' vs 'germinal vesicle oocyte'cell typeTranscription profiling of mouse in vivo matured MII oocytes and fully in vivo grown germinal vesicle oocytes to identify gene transcripts linked to epigenetic reprogramming
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
5.135 × 10-3-1.3
Zfp341'p150 subunit of CAF-1 siRNA knockdown' vs 'scrambled siRNA'RNA interferenceRNA-seq of control siRNA, p150 siRNA and p60 siRNA transfected mES cells
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
3.1085 × 10-2-1.3
Zfp341'2'-fucosyllactose supplementation' vs 'control' in '8 weeks post-ileocecal resection'diet, treatmentTranscriptomic characterization of the impact of 2'-fucosyllactose supplementation on intestinal adaptation following ileocecal resection.
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
8.6096 × 10-4-1.2
Zfp341'mir181a1/b1 Knockout' vs 'wild type'genotypeMouse CD4+/CD8+ thymocytes from miR-181a1/b1 KO vs WT
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
7.7763 × 10-3-1.2
Zfp341'p60 subunit of CAF-1 siRNA knockdown' vs 'scrambled siRNA'RNA interferenceRNA-seq of control siRNA, p150 siRNA and p60 siRNA transfected mES cells
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.1134 × 10-21.2
Zfp341'SERF2-/-' vs 'SERF2+/+'genotypeRNA-seq of mouse embryonic fibroblasts(MEFs) with knock-out of SERF2 compared to control MEFs
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.3175 × 10-41.1
Zfp341'doxycycline; 200 nanogram per milliliter; neoplasm; 5 day' vs 'none; normal; 0 day'compound, phenotype, timeRNA-seq of doxycycline induced tumor and residual mouse primary mammary epithelial cells grown in 3D cell cultures against non-induced controls
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.8809 × 10-2-1.1
Zfp341'gamma radiation; 8 Gray' vs 'none' in 'Lgr5-Cre-ERT2; Il22-/-'genotype, irradiateRNA Seq of colonic Lgr5+ epithelial stem cells in Il22+/+ and Il22-/- mice during homeostasis and 24h after irradiation with 8 Gy
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.2565 × 10-141
Zfp341'neuron' vs 'differentiating progenitor'cell typeTranscription profiling by high throughput sequencing of proliferating neural stem cells, differentiating neurogenic progenitors and newborn neurons using a dual-reporter mouse line
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
7.686 × 10-4-1
Zfp341'Ifnar1 knockout' vs 'wild type genotype' in 'specific pathogen free C57BL/6'genotype, strainRNA sequencing of primary isolated unstimulated murine splenic cDC from specific pathogen free (SPF), Germ Free (GF) and Interferon alpha/beta receptor 1 (Ifnar) knock out mice.
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
1.0255 × 10-3-1
Zfp341'germ free C57BL/6' vs 'specific pathogen free C57BL/6' in 'wild type genotype'genotype, strainRNA sequencing of primary isolated unstimulated murine splenic cDC from specific pathogen free (SPF), Germ Free (GF) and Interferon alpha/beta receptor 1 (Ifnar) knock out mice.
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.4647 × 10-31
Zfp341'AZD7507; AZD5069 (at same dosage); 100 milligram per kilogram' vs 'none'compoundRNA-seq to investigate differentially expressed genes in KPC mouse PDAC treated with CSF-1R small molecule inhibitor AZD7507 and/or the CXCR2 small molecule inhibitor AZD5069
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.6481 × 10-21
Zfp341'adult definitive erythroid cell' vs 'primitive erythroid cell' in 'basophilic erythroblast'cell type, phenotypeTranscription profiling by array of differentiating primary primitive and definitive mouse red blood cells
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
3.8225 × 10-21
Zfp341'adult definitive erythroid cell' vs 'primitive erythroid cell' in 'mix of orthochromatic and polychromatophilic erythroblast'cell type, phenotypeTranscription profiling by array of differentiating primary primitive and definitive mouse red blood cells