-6.2 | | Fam181a | 'neuron' vs 'differentiating progenitor' | cell type | Transcription profiling by high throughput sequencing of proliferating neural stem cells, differentiating neurogenic progenitors and newborn neurons using a dual-reporter mouse line |
4.6 | | Fam181a | 'neural progenitor cell' vs 'niche cell' | cell type | Transcription profiling by high throughput sequencing of three populations of primary dentate gyrus cells |
-3.5 | | Fam181a | 'lung carcinoma' vs 'normal' in 'lung cell' | cell type, disease | Transcriptome analysis of isolated stormal cells and tumor epithelial cells in mouse lung cancer by RNA-Seq |
3.2 | | Fam181a | 'induced neuronal cell' vs 'pluripotent embryonic stem cell' | phenotype | Transcription profiling by high throughput sequencing of retinoic acid-differentiated neuronal cells compared to nondifferentiated pluripotent embryonic stem cells |
-2.2 | | Fam181a | 'neurosphere in differentiation medium; 1 day' vs 'neurosphere; 0 day' in 'wild type genotype' | genotype, growth condition, time | Transcriptome analysis of neurospheres derived from Cstb-KO mouse embryo brains during differentiation |
2.1 | | Fam181a | 'Meis1; Meis2 conditional knockout' vs 'wild type phenotype' | phenotype | Meis homeobox genes control cell competence within the eye-specified neuroepithelium (RNA-seq) |
-1.8 | | Fam181a | 'neurosphere in differentiation medium; 1 day' vs 'neurosphere; 0 day' in 'Cstb knockout' | genotype, growth condition, time | Transcriptome analysis of neurospheres derived from Cstb-KO mouse embryo brains during differentiation |
-1.4 | | Fam181a | 'neurosphere in differentiation medium; 12 day' vs 'neurosphere; 0 day' in 'Cstb knockout' | genotype, growth condition, time | Transcriptome analysis of neurospheres derived from Cstb-KO mouse embryo brains during differentiation |
-1.4 | | Fam181a | 'neurosphere in differentiation medium; 5 day' vs 'neurosphere; 0 day' in 'Cstb knockout' | genotype, growth condition, time | Transcriptome analysis of neurospheres derived from Cstb-KO mouse embryo brains during differentiation |
-1.3 | | Fam181a | '10 day' vs '0 day' | age | Transcriptional profiling by array of mouse cerebellar cortex during postnatal development |
-1.3 | | Fam181a | 'Ink4a/Arf-/-; EGFRvIII' vs 'wild type genotype' in 'separate' | genotype, growth condition | RNA-seq of wild-type and transformed Ink4a/Arf-/-; EGFRvIII neural stem cells in separate or co-culture conditions |
-1.2 | | Fam181a | 'oxygen/glucose-deprivation followed by restoration of oxygen/glucose' vs 'none' in 'Ubc9 overexpression; differentiated' | genotype, growth condition, stimulus | SUMOylation promotes survival and integration of neural stem cell grafts in stroke |
-1.1 | | Fam181a | 'upf3 knockout' vs 'wild type' in 'testis' | cell type, genotype | UPF2 establishes testis-specific transcriptome enriched in transcripts with shorter 3’UTRs |
1.1 | | Fam181a | '2.5 milligram per milliliter; Fibrinogen' at '12 hour' vs 'none' | compound, time | Transcription profiling by array of adult mouse neural stem cell differentiation after 3 and 12 hours of fibrinogen treatment |
1 | | Fam181a | 'subarachnoid hemorrhage' vs 'normal' | disease | Transcription profiling by array of the effect of SAH on brain cells in white matter region of mice |
-1 | | Fam181a | 'subconfluent monolayer on collagen' at '7 day' vs 'freshly isolated' at '0 day' | growth condition, time | Transcription profiling of primary mouse hepatocytes under different culture conditions |
-1 | | Fam181a | 'oxygen/glucose-deprivation followed by restoration of oxygen/glucose' vs 'none' in 'wild type genotype; undifferentiated' | genotype, growth condition, stimulus | SUMOylation promotes survival and integration of neural stem cell grafts in stroke |
-1 | | Fam181a | '7 day' vs '0 day' | age | Transcriptional profiling by array of mouse cerebellar cortex during postnatal development |
-1 | | Fam181a | 'induction of polymicrobial sepsis' vs 'control' at '24 hour' in '1.5 to 3 month mice' | age, time, treatment | Aged Mice are Unable to Mount an Effective Myeloid Response to Sepsis |