ensmusg00000102524 (Ighv1-2)

mus musculus

immunoglobulin heavy variable 1-2

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Mus musculus
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Experiment type
Experimental variables
Log2-fold changeSpeciesGene nameComparisonExperimental variablesExperiment name
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.7381 × 10-10-4.5
Ighv1-2'intravenous injection of 10-100 thousand B-ALL cells' vs 'none' in 'lentiviral expression of mTie2-IFN-mirT and Tie2-driven overexpression of IFNalpha'genotype, stimulusRNA-seq of mouse macrophages to investigate how interferon gene therapy reprograms the leukemia microenvironment
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
6.8144 × 10-64.1
Ighv1-2'wormy, worm left; Trichuris muris' vs 'control; non wormy' in 'caecum'environmental stress, infect, organism partRNA-seq of mouse intestinal mucosa to investigate infection by the parasitic nematode Trichuris muris
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.8779 × 10-53.9
Ighv1-2'wormy, worm separated; Trichuris muris' vs 'control; non wormy' in 'caecum'environmental stress, infect, organism partRNA-seq of mouse intestinal mucosa to investigate infection by the parasitic nematode Trichuris muris
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
4.4208 × 10-163
Ighv1-2'Trichuris muris' vs 'control' in 'mesenteric lymph node'environmental stress, infect, organism partRNA-seq of mouse intestinal mucosa to investigate infection by the parasitic nematode Trichuris muris
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
2.4696 × 10-32.8
Ighv1-2'Trichuris muris' vs 'control' in 'non wormy; caecum'environmental stress, infect, organism partRNA-seq of mouse intestinal mucosa to investigate infection by the parasitic nematode Trichuris muris
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
8.7358 × 10-41.7
Ighv1-2'3110043O21Rik knockout; spleen' vs 'wild type genotype; spleen'genotype, organism part, sampling siteRNAseq of coding RNA in the liver, spleen, kidney, abdominal muscle and gonadal adipose tissue of knock out mice and wild type controls.
Adjusted p-valueLog2-fold change
5.5562 × 10-41.3
Ighv1-2'Triple knockout (Zfp36-/-, TNFR1-/-, TNFR2-/-)' vs 'wild type'genotypeTranscription profiling by high throughput sequencing of douple (TNFR1-/-/TNFR2-/-) and triple (Zfp36-/-/TNFR1-/-/TNFR2-/-) knockout mouse spleens
Ensembl gene
Ensembl transcript
MGI ID (Mouse)
MGI description
Gene biotype