Interaction Viewer

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ComplexViewer 2.2.1by Rappsilber LaboratoryPNKPXRCC1tooltip


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Protein: click to switch

Interaction Details

Detection Method
anti bait coip
Positive Interaction
Annotations (9)
uniprot-dr-export no
imex-range-assigned 1545..8016
confidence-mapping Multiple filtering steps were used to analyse this dataset. This score is the final step in the process and is calculated based upon a statistical (regression) model using several peptide and protein identification parameters. The score takes a value between 0 and 1 (or is unassigned) and is intended as a simple rank measure (rather than a probability). All interactions in this dataset (including those with scores equal to zero or where the score is unassigned) are therefore judged to be valid, according to the filtering criteria used (see publication). For ease of use, the authors recommend that interactions with score >= 0.3 are treated as high confidence interactions.
accepted 09-03-07
author-announcement 10-APR-2007: Contacted by JYOTI.
author-identifiers BAIT gene GI:5712130, protein GI:5712131; PREY protein GI:5454172
data-processing The author provided protein GI numbers were used to obtain protein sequences from NCBI. These sequences were then aligned to the UniParc database sequences. UniParc entries that matched the GI protein sequences a 100% were then parsed to obtain UniProtKB identifiers. The live UniProt-SwissProt entries were chosen over the UniProt-TrEMBL entries. Four GI numbers which did not correspond to human protein sequences were used to create proteins in IntAct. Where the GI identifier gave a sequence which was longer than the UniProtKb entry sequence the closest match was used.
imex-range-requested 1545..8066

Confidences (3)

[object Object]Number of different experiments interaction was observed in: 1
[object Object]high
[object Object]0.504


Large-scale mapping of human protein-protein interactions by mass spectrometry.
Mol. Syst. Biol. (null)
Ewing RM.,Chu P.,Elisma F.,Li H.,Taylor P.,Climie S.,McBroom-Cerajewski L.,Robinson MD.,O'Connor L.,Li M.,Taylor R.,Dharsee M.,Ho Y.,Heilbut A.,Moore L.,Zhang S.,Ornatsky O.,Bukhman YV.,Ethier M.,Sheng Y.,Vasilescu J.,Abu-Farha M.,Lambert JP.,Duewel HS.,Stewart II.,Kuehl B.,Hogue K.,Colwill K.,Gladwish K.,Muskat B.,Kinach R.,Adams SL.,Moran MF.,Morin GB.,Topaloglou T.,Figeys D.
Publication date
Publication reference
PubMed: 17353931
External Cross References (1)
doi 10.1038/msb4100134
Annotations (3)
caution The authors have reported the interactions as binary pairs and the results are represented here as binary pairs. Confidence levels were determined on pair basis.
author submitted 2006-09-06: R.M Ewing, Protana, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.