Search for id:EBI-297353 AND id:EBI-640857
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Interaction Network
Select | Molecule A | Molecule B | Identifier A | Identifier B | Type A | Type B | Species A | Species B | Host Organism | Positive interaction | Detection Method | Publication IDs | Interaction Type | Interaction AC | Confidence Value | Expansion Method | Aliases A | Aliases B | Feature count | Interaction Annotations |
Select | Molecule A | Molecule B | Identifier A | Identifier B | Type A | Type B | Species A | Species B | Host Organism | Positive interaction | Detection Method | Publication IDs | Interaction Type | Interaction AC | Confidence Value | Expansion Method | Aliases A | Aliases B | Feature count | Interaction Annotations |
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 entries
Select | Accession | Name | Preferred ID | Type | Species | Description | Alias | Alternative IDs | Interactions found in current search | Total interactions in all IntAct |
Select | Accession | Name | Preferred ID | Type | Species | Description | Alias | Alternative IDs | Interactions found in current search | Total interactions in all IntAct |
EBI-640857 | EGF |
| protein | Homo sapiens | Pro-epidermal growth factor |
gene name
| 31 | 46 | ||
EBI-297353 | EGFR |
| protein | Homo sapiens | Epidermal growth factor receptor |
gene name synonym
Proto-oncogene c-ErbB-1
gene name synonym
gene name synonym
Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-1
gene name
gene name synonym
gene name synonym
| 31 | 2067 |
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 entries