

InterPro entry
Short nameNADAR


This family contains E. coli swarming motility protein YbiA. Mutations in YbiA cause defects in Escherichia coli swarming, but not necessarily in motility. This family was predicted to be involved in NAD-utilizing pathways, likely to act on ADP-ribose derivatives, and was been named NADAR (NAD and ADP-ribose)
[3, 1]
. More recently, YbiA has been shown to be involved in the disposal of riboflavin intermediates. It catalyzes the hydrolysis of the N-glycosidic bond in the first two intermediates of riboflavin biosynthesis, which are highly reactive metabolites, yielding relatively innocuous products


1.Genome-wide screening of genes required for swarming motility in Escherichia coli K-12. Inoue T, Shingaki R, Hirose S, Waki K, Mori H, Fukui K. J. Bacteriol. 189, 950-7, (2007). View articlePMID: 17122336

2.A directed-overflow and damage-control N-glycosidase in riboflavin biosynthesis. Frelin O, Huang L, Hasnain G, Jeffryes JG, Ziemak MJ, Rocca JR, Wang B, Rice J, Roje S, Yurgel SN, Gregory JF 3rd, Edison AS, Henry CS, de Crecy-Lagard V, Hanson AD. Biochem. J. 466, 137-45, (2015). View articlePMID: 25431972

3.Identification of novel components of NAD-utilizing metabolic pathways and prediction of their biochemical functions. de Souza RF, Aravind L. Mol Biosyst 8, 1661-77, (2012). View articlePMID: 22399070

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