
7TM GPCR, serpentine receptor class g (Srg)

InterPro entry
Short name7TM_GPCR_serpentine_rcpt_Srg


G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) constitute a vast protein family that encompasses a wide range of functions, including various autocrine, paracrine and endocrine processes. They show considerable diversity at the sequence level, on the basis of which they can be separated into distinct groups
. The term clan can be used to describe the GPCRs, as they embrace a group of families for which there are indications of evolutionary relationship, but between which there is no statistically significant similarity in sequence
. The currently known clan members include rhodopsin-like GPCRs (Class A, GPCRA), secretin-like GPCRs (Class B, GPCRB), metabotropic glutamate receptor family (Class C, GPCRC), fungal mating pheromone receptors (Class D, GPCRD), cAMP receptors (Class E, GPCRE) and frizzled/smoothened (Class F, GPCRF)
[2, 12, 11, 10, 8]
. GPCRs are major drug targets, and are consequently the subject of considerable research interest. It has been reported that the repertoire of GPCRs for endogenous ligands consists of approximately 400 receptors in humans and mice
. Most GPCRs are identified on the basis of their DNA sequences, rather than the ligand they bind, those that are unmatched to known natural ligands are designated by as orphan GPCRs, or unclassified GPCRs

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has only 14 types of chemosensory neuron, yet is able to sense and respond to several hundred different chemicals because each neuron detects several stimuli
. Chemoperception is one of the central senses of soil nematodes like C. elegans which are otherwise 'blind' and 'deaf'
. Chemoreception in C. elegans is mediated by members of the seven-transmembrane G-protein-coupled receptor class (7TM GPCRs). More than 1300 potential chemoreceptor genes have been identified in C. elegans, which are generally prefixed sr for serpentine receptor. The receptor superfamilies include Sra (Sra, Srb, Srab, Sre), Str (Srh, Str, Sri, Srd, Srj, Srm, Srn) and Srg (Srx, Srt, Srg, Sru, Srv, Srxa), as well as the families Srw, Srz, Srbc, Srsx and Srr
[3, 6, 7]
. Many of these proteins have homologues in Caenorhabditis briggsae.

This entry represents serpentine receptor class g (Srg) from the Srg superfamily
[6, 1]
. Srg receptors contain seven hydrophobic, putative transmembrane, regions and can be distinguished from other 7TM GPCR receptors by their own characteristic TM signatures.


1.Two large families of chemoreceptor genes in the nematodes Caenorhabditis elegans and Caenorhabditis briggsae reveal extensive gene duplication, diversification, movement, and intron loss. Robertson HM. Genome Res. 8, 449-63, (1998). View articlePMID: 9582190

2.Fingerprinting G-protein-coupled receptors. Attwood TK, Findlay JB. Protein Eng. 7, 195-203, (1994). View articlePMID: 8170923

3.Divergent seven transmembrane receptors are candidate chemosensory receptors in C. elegans. Troemel ER, Chou JH, Dwyer ND, Colbert HA, Bargmann CI. Cell 83, 207-18, (1995). View articlePMID: 7585938

4.G protein-coupled receptor deorphanizations. Civelli O, Reinscheid RK, Zhang Y, Wang Z, Fredriksson R, Schioth HB. Annu. Rev. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 53, 127-46, (2013). PMID: 23020293

5.Chemosensory signaling in C. elegans. Troemel ER. Bioessays 21, 1011-20, (1999). View articlePMID: 10580986

6.The putative chemoreceptor families of C. elegans. Robertson HM, Thomas JH. 1-12, (2006). PMID: 18050473

7.Identification of a nematode chemosensory gene family. Chen N, Pai S, Zhao Z, Mah A, Newbury R, Johnsen RC, Altun Z, Moerman DG, Baillie DL, Stein LD. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 102, 146-51, (2005). View articlePMID: 15618405

8.Comprehensive repertoire and phylogenetic analysis of the G protein-coupled receptors in human and mouse. Bjarnadottir TK, Gloriam DE, Hellstrand SH, Kristiansson H, Fredriksson R, Schioth HB. Genomics 88, 263-73, (2006). View articlePMID: 16753280

9.The G protein-coupled receptor repertoires of human and mouse. Vassilatis DK, Hohmann JG, Zeng H, Li F, Ranchalis JE, Mortrud MT, Brown A, Rodriguez SS, Weller JR, Wright AC, Bergmann JE, Gaitanaris GA. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 100, 4903-8, (2003). View articlePMID: 12679517

10.IUPHAR-DB: the IUPHAR database of G protein-coupled receptors and ion channels. Harmar AJ, Hills RA, Rosser EM, Jones M, Buneman OP, Dunbar DR, Greenhill SD, Hale VA, Sharman JL, Bonner TI, Catterall WA, Davenport AP, Delagrange P, Dollery CT, Foord SM, Gutman GA, Laudet V, Neubig RR, Ohlstein EH, Olsen RW, Peters J, Pin JP, Ruffolo RR, Searls DB, Wright MW, Spedding M. Nucleic Acids Res. 37, D680-5, (2009). View articlePMID: 18948278

11.International Union of Pharmacology. XLVI. G protein-coupled receptor list. Foord SM, Bonner TI, Neubig RR, Rosser EM, Pin JP, Davenport AP, Spedding M, Harmar AJ. Pharmacol. Rev. 57, 279-88, (2005). View articlePMID: 15914470

12.GCRDb: a G-protein-coupled receptor database. Kolakowski LF Jr. Recept. Channels 2, 1-7, (1994). PMID: 8081729

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