Methyltransferase cognate corrinoid protein
InterPro entry
Short name | Corrinoid_p |
Overlapping homologous superfamilies |
This entry describes a subfamily of the B12 binding domain proteins that include corrinoid proteins specific to four different, mutually non-homologous enzymes of the genus Methanosarcina. Three of the four cognate enzymes (trimethylamine, dimethylamine, and monomethylamine methyltransferases) all have the unusual, ribosomally incorporated amino acid pyrrolysine at the active site. All act in systems in which a methyl group is transferred to the corrinoid protein to create methylcobalamin, from which the methyl group is later transferred elsewhere.
GO terms
biological process
molecular function
cellular component
- None
Contributing Member Database Entry
- NCBIfam:TIGR02370
Representative structure
1y80: Structure of a corrinoid (factor IIIm)-binding protein from Moorella thermoacetica