Dyp-type peroxidase, C-terminal domain
Short name | Dyp_perox_C |
Overlapping homologous superfamilies |
1.Efficient heterologous expression in Aspergillus oryzae of a unique dye-decolorizing peroxidase, DyP, of Geotrichum candidum Dec 1. Sugano Y, Nakano R, Sasaki K, Shoda M. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 66, 1754-8, (2000). View articlePMID: 10742277
2.Crystal structures of two novel dye-decolorizing peroxidases reveal a beta-barrel fold with a conserved heme-binding motif. Zubieta C, Krishna SS, Kapoor M, Kozbial P, McMullan D, Axelrod HL, Miller MD, Abdubek P, Ambing E, Astakhova T, Carlton D, Chiu HJ, Clayton T, Deller MC, Duan L, Elsliger MA, Feuerhelm J, Grzechnik SK, Hale J, Hampton E, Han GW, Jaroszewski L, Jin KK, Klock HE, Knuth MW, Kumar A, Marciano D, Morse AT, Nigoghossian E, Okach L, Oommachen S, Reyes R, Rife CL, Schimmel P, van den Bedem H, Weekes D, White A, Xu Q, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Deacon AM, Godzik A, Lesley SA, Wilson IA. Proteins 69, 223-33, (2007). View articlePMID: 17654545
3.Distal heme pocket residues of B-type dye-decolorizing peroxidase: arginine but not aspartate is essential for peroxidase activity. Singh R, Grigg JC, Armstrong Z, Murphy ME, Eltis LD. J. Biol. Chem. 287, 10623-30, (2012). View articlePMID: 22308037
Cross References
Contributing Member Database Entry
- Pfam:PF20628