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Short nameGRX_SH3BGR


Glutaredoxin (GRX) family, SH3BGR (SH3 domain binding glutamic acid-rich protein) subfamily; a recently-identified subfamily composed of SH3BGR and similar proteins possessing significant sequence similarity to GRX, but without a redox active CXXC motif. The SH3BGR gene was cloned in an effort to identify genes mapping to chromosome 21, which could be involved in the pathogenesis of congenital heart disease affecting Down syndrome newborns. Several human SH3BGR-like (SH3BGRL) genes have been identified since, mapping to different locations in the chromosome. Of these, SH3BGRL3 was identified as a tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha inhibitory protein and was also named TIP-B1. Upregulation of expression of SH3BGRL3 is associated with differentiation. It has been suggested that it functions as a regulator of differentiation-related signal transduction pathways.
[6, 3, 1, 4, 2, 7, 5]


1.Crystal structure of the glutaredoxin-like protein SH3BGRL3 at 1.6 Angstrom resolution. Nardini M, Mazzocco M, Massaro A, Maffei M, Vergano A, Donadini A, Scartezzini P, Bolognesi M. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 318, 470-6, (2004). View articlePMID: 15120624

2.The identification of a novel human homologue of the SH3 binding glutamic acid-rich (SH3BGR) gene establishes a new family of highly conserved small proteins related to Thioredoxin Superfamily. Mazzocco M, Maffei M, Egeo A, Vergano A, Arrigo P, Di Lisi R, Ghiotto F, Scartezzini P. Gene 291, 233-9, (2002). PMID: 12095696

3.NMR structure and regulated expression in APL cell of human SH3BGRL3. Xu C, Zheng P, Shen S, Xu Y, Wei L, Gao H, Wang S, Zhu C, Tang Y, Wu J, Zhang Q, Shi Y. FEBS Lett. 579, 2788-94, (2005). View articlePMID: 15907482

4.A novel human homologue of the SH3BGR gene encodes a small protein similar to Glutaredoxin 1 of Escherichia coli. Mazzocco M, Arrigo P, Egeo A, Maffei M, Vergano A, Di Lisi R, Ghiotto F, Ciccone E, Cinti R, Ravazzolo R, Scartezzini P. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 285, 540-5, (2001). View articlePMID: 11444877

5.Heart morphogenesis is not affected by overexpression of the Sh3bgr gene mapping to the Down syndrome heart critical region. Sandri C, Di Lisi R, Picard A, Argentini C, Calabria E, Myklak K, Scartezzini P, Schiaffino S. Hum Genet 114, 517-9, (2004). PMID: 14767758

6.Crystal structure of human SH3BGRL protein: the first structure of the human SH3BGR family representing a novel class of thioredoxin fold proteins. Yin L, Xiang Y, Zhu DY, Yan N, Huang RH, Zhang Y, Wang DC. Proteins 61, 213-6, (2005). View articlePMID: 16080146

7.Cloning a new human gene from chromosome 21q22.3 encoding a glutamic acid-rich protein expressed in heart and skeletal muscle. Scartezzini P, Egeo A, Colella S, Fumagalli P, Arrigo P, Nizetic D, Taramelli R, Rasore-Quartino A. Hum. Genet. 99, 387-92, (1997). View articlePMID: 9050928

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