

CDD entry
Member databaseCDD
CDD typedomain
Short nameMR_like


Mandelate racemase (MR)-like subfamily of the enolase superfamily. Enzymes of this subgroup share three conserved carboxylate ligands for the essential divalent metal ion (usually Mg2+), two aspartates and a glutamate, and conserved catalytic residues, a Lys-X-Lys motif and a conserved histidine-aspartate dyad. Members of the MR subgroup are mandelate racemase, D-glucarate/L-idarate dehydratase (GlucD), D-altronate/D-mannonate dehydratase , D-galactonate dehydratase (GalD) , D-gluconate dehydratase (GlcD), and L-rhamnonate dehydratase (RhamD).
[3, 1, 5, 6, 7, 4, 2]


1.The enolase superfamily: a general strategy for enzyme-catalyzed abstraction of the alpha-protons of carboxylic acids. Babbitt PC, Hasson MS, Wedekind JE, Palmer DR, Barrett WC, Reed GH, Rayment I, Ringe D, Kenyon GL, Gerlt JA. Biochemistry 35, 16489-501, (1996). View articlePMID: 8987982

2.Evolution of enzymatic activities in the enolase superfamily: identification of the general acid catalyst in the active site of D-glucarate dehydratase from Escherichia coli. Gulick AM, Hubbard BK, Gerlt JA, Rayment I. Biochemistry 40, 10054-62, (2001). View articlePMID: 11513584

3.Divergent evolution in the enolase superfamily: the interplay of mechanism and specificity. Gerlt JA, Babbitt PC, Rayment I. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 433, 59-70, (2005). View articlePMID: 15581566

4.Evolution of enzymatic activities in the enolase superfamily: characterization of the (D)-glucarate/galactarate catabolic pathway in Escherichia coli. Hubbard BK, Koch M, Palmer DR, Babbitt PC, Gerlt JA. Biochemistry 37, 14369-75, (1998). View articlePMID: 9772162

5.Restructuring catalysis in the mandelate pathway. Neidhart DC, Howell PL, Petsko GA, Gerlt JA, Kozarich JW, Powers VM, Kenyon GL. Biochem Soc Symp 57, 135-41, (1990). PMID: 2099737

6.Hydrophobic nature of the active site of mandelate racemase. St Maurice M, Bearne SL. Biochemistry 43, 2524-32, (2004). PMID: 14992589

7.Mandelate racemase. Kenyon GL, Hegeman GD. Adv Enzymol Relat Areas Mol Biol 50, 325-60, (1979). PMID: 386722

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