Member database | CDD |
CDD type | domain |
Short name | MR_like |
Set | enolase_like |
1.The enolase superfamily: a general strategy for enzyme-catalyzed abstraction of the alpha-protons of carboxylic acids. Babbitt PC, Hasson MS, Wedekind JE, Palmer DR, Barrett WC, Reed GH, Rayment I, Ringe D, Kenyon GL, Gerlt JA. Biochemistry 35, 16489-501, (1996). View articlePMID: 8987982
2.Evolution of enzymatic activities in the enolase superfamily: identification of the general acid catalyst in the active site of D-glucarate dehydratase from Escherichia coli. Gulick AM, Hubbard BK, Gerlt JA, Rayment I. Biochemistry 40, 10054-62, (2001). View articlePMID: 11513584
3.Divergent evolution in the enolase superfamily: the interplay of mechanism and specificity. Gerlt JA, Babbitt PC, Rayment I. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 433, 59-70, (2005). View articlePMID: 15581566
4.Evolution of enzymatic activities in the enolase superfamily: characterization of the (D)-glucarate/galactarate catabolic pathway in Escherichia coli. Hubbard BK, Koch M, Palmer DR, Babbitt PC, Gerlt JA. Biochemistry 37, 14369-75, (1998). View articlePMID: 9772162
5.Restructuring catalysis in the mandelate pathway. Neidhart DC, Howell PL, Petsko GA, Gerlt JA, Kozarich JW, Powers VM, Kenyon GL. Biochem Soc Symp 57, 135-41, (1990). PMID: 2099737