Member database | CDD |
CDD type | domain |
Short name | ATP-synt_V_A-type_alpha_N |
Set | ATP-synt_F1_V1_A1_AB_FliI_N |
2.The molecular mechanism of ATP synthesis by F1F0-ATP synthase: a scrutiny of the major possibilities. Nath S. Adv. Biochem. Eng. Biotechnol. 74, 65-98, (2002). PMID: 11991184
3.New insights into structure-function relationships between archeal ATP synthase (A1A0) and vacuolar type ATPase (V1V0). Gruber G, Marshansky V. Bioessays 30, 1096-109, (2008). View articlePMID: 18937357
4.F-type or V-type? The chimeric nature of the archaebacterial ATP synthase. Schafer G, Meyering-Vos M. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1101, 232-5, (1992). PMID: 1385979
5.The evolution of A-, F-, and V-type ATP synthases and ATPases: reversals in function and changes in the H+/ATP coupling ratio. Cross RL, Muller V. FEBS Lett. 576, 1-4, (2004). View articlePMID: 15473999
6.Crystal structure of the archaeal A1Ao ATP synthase subunit B from Methanosarcina mazei Go1: Implications of nucleotide-binding differences in the major A1Ao subunits A and B. Schafer IB, Bailer SM, Duser MG, Borsch M, Bernal RA, Stock D, Gruber G. J. Mol. Biol. 358, 725-40, (2006). View articlePMID: 16563431
7.The molecular mechanism of ATP synthesis by F1F0-ATP synthase. Senior AE, Nadanaciva S, Weber J. Biochim Biophys Acta 1553, 188-211, (2002). PMID: 11997128
8.Mechanism of the F(1)F(0)-type ATP synthase, a biological rotary motor. Capaldi RA, Aggeler R. Trends Biochem. Sci. 27, 154-60, (2002). View articlePMID: 11893513
9.The crystal structure of the nucleotide-free alpha 3 beta 3 subcomplex of F1-ATPase from the thermophilic Bacillus PS3 is a symmetric trimer. Shirakihara Y, Leslie AG, Abrahams JP, Walker JE, Ueda T, Sekimoto Y, Kambara M, Saika K, Kagawa Y, Yoshida M. Structure 5, 825-36, (1997). View articlePMID: 9261073
10.ATP synthesis driven by proton transport in F1F0-ATP synthase. Weber J, Senior AE. FEBS Lett. 545, 61-70, (2003). View articlePMID: 12788493
11.Structure at 2.8 A resolution of F1-ATPase from bovine heart mitochondria. Abrahams JP, Leslie AG, Lutter R, Walker JE. Nature 370, 621-8, (1994). View articlePMID: 8065448
12.Structures and interactions of proteins involved in the coupling function of the protonmotive F(o)F(1)-ATP synthase. Gaballo A, Zanotti F, Papa S. Curr. Protein Pept. Sci. 3, 451-60, (2002). View articlePMID: 12370007
13.Coupling proton movements to c-ring rotation in F(1)F(o) ATP synthase: aqueous access channels and helix rotations at the a-c interface. Fillingame RH, Angevine CM, Dmitriev OY. Biochim Biophys Acta 1555, 29-36, (2002). PMID: 12206887
14.Understanding ATP synthesis: structure and mechanism of the F1-ATPase (Review). Leyva JA, Bianchet MA, Amzel LM. Mol. Membr. Biol. 20, 27-33, (2003). PMID: 12745923
15.Regulation and isoform function of the V-ATPases. Toei M, Saum R, Forgac M. Biochemistry 49, 4715-23, (2010). View articlePMID: 20450191