
4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl diphosphate reductase [ispH]

HAMAP entry
Member databaseHAMAP
HAMAP typefamily
Short nameIspH

Imported from IPR003451

Terpenes are among the largest groups of natural products and include compounds such as vitamins, cholesterol and carotenoids. The biosynthesis of all terpenoids begins with one or both of the two C5 precursors of the pathway: isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) and dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP). In animals, fungi, and certain bacteria, the synthesis of IPP and DMAPP occurs via the well-known mevalonate pathway, however, a second, nonmevalonate terpenoid pathway has been identified in many eubacteria, algae, malaria parasite and the chloroplasts of higher plants
[2, 5, 4]

LytB(IspH) is the last enzyme in the biosynthesis of isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) and dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP) in the 1-deoxy-d-xylulose-5-phosphate (DOXP, the nonmevalonate pathway, also known as MEP) pathway
. This enzyme contains a [4Fe-4S] cluster and forms a stable complex with ferredoxin, which suggests that ferredoxin/ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase redox system serves as the physiological electron donor for LytB
. Escherichia coli LytB protein had been found to regulate the activity of RelA (guanosine 3',5'-bispyrophosphate synthetase I), which in turn controls the level of a regulatory metabolite. It is involved in penicillin tolerance and the stringent response

Imported from IPR003451

1.Occurrence of homologs of the Escherichia coli lytB gene in gram-negative bacterial species. Potter S, Yang X, Boulanger MJ, Ishiguro EE. J. Bacteriol. 180, 1959-61, (1998). View articlePMID: 9537400

2.Evidence of a role for LytB in the nonmevalonate pathway of isoprenoid biosynthesis. Cunningham FX Jr, Lafond TP, Gantt E. J. Bacteriol. 182, 5841-8, (2000). View articlePMID: 11004185

3.Studies on the nonmevalonate terpene biosynthetic pathway: metabolic role of IspH (LytB) protein. Rohdich F, Hecht S, Gartner K, Adam P, Krieger C, Amslinger S, Arigoni D, Bacher A, Eisenreich W. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 99, 1158-63, (2002). View articlePMID: 11818558

4.Reconstitution of an apicoplast-localised electron transfer pathway involved in the isoprenoid biosynthesis of Plasmodium falciparum. Rohrich RC, Englert N, Troschke K, Reichenberg A, Hintz M, Seeber F, Balconi E, Aliverti A, Zanetti G, Kohler U, Pfeiffer M, Beck E, Jomaa H, Wiesner J. FEBS Lett 579, 6433-8, (2005). PMID: 16289098

5.The Arabidopsis IspH homolog is involved in the plastid nonmevalonate pathway of isoprenoid biosynthesis. Hsieh MH, Goodman HM. Plant Physiol 138, 641-53, (2005). PMID: 15863698

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