
cobaltochelatase subunit CobS

NCBIfam entry
Member databaseNCBIfam (includes TIGRFAMs)
NCBIfam typefamily
Short namePD_CobS


This model describes CobS, as the term is used in Pseudomonas denitrificans. It is a subunit of the heterotrimeric, ATP-dependent enzyme that catalyzes cobalt insertion during aerobic cobalamin biosynthesis. The other two subunits are CobT (TIGR01651) and CobN (PF02514 CobN/Magnesium Chelatase) proteins. Note that this CobS protein is not related to the CobS from the anaerobic biosynthesis pathway found in Salmonella typhimurium, or to that protein's counterpart in Escherichia coli, which synthesizes cobalamin only when it is supplied with the precursor cobinamide, a complex intermediate.


1. Assay, purification, and characterization of cobaltochelatase, a unique complex enzyme catalyzing cobalt insertion in hydrogenobyrinic acid a,c-diamide during coenzyme B12 biosynthesis in Pseudomonas denitrificans. Debussche L, Couder M, Thibaut D, Cameron B, Crouzet J, Blanche F. J. Bacteriol. 174, 7445-51, (1992). View articlePMID: 1429466

2. Cobalamin (coenzyme B12): synthesis and biological significance. Roth JR, Lawrence JG, Bobik TA. Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 50, 137-81, (1996). View articlePMID: 8905078

3. Biosynthesis of cobalamin (vitamin B12): a bacterial conundrum. Raux E, Schubert HL, Warren MJ. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 57, 1880-93, (2000). View articlePMID: 11215515

4. The cobalamin (coenzyme B12) biosynthetic genes of Escherichia coli. Lawrence JG, Roth JR. J. Bacteriol. 177, 6371-80, (1995). View articlePMID: 7592411

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