
Plant Cell Wall Expansin

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Member databasePANTHER
PANTHER typefamily
Short nameExpansin_CellWall


The Expansin family proteins are implicated in the modification of plant cell walls. They are thought to facilitate cell growth and wall extension by lubricating the movement of cellulose microfibrils. Additionally, they may help maintain the fluidity of the cell wall, which is crucial during processes like slug cell wall formation. Some family members have been associated with aberrant stalk formation when overexpressed. While most members exhibit these functions, one is noted to unlikely encode a protein with expansin activity. Another member, with low expansin activity, may promote plant root colonization and bind to peptidoglycan and plant cell walls without enzymatic action. A distinct protein within the family serves as a stress protein under hyperthermal conditions, donating substrates for transglutaminase and inhibiting various proteases.
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