
P53 DNA-binding domain

Pfam entry

62 domain architectures

There are 1709 proteins with this architecture (represented by P10360):
There are 1199 proteins with this architecture (represented by Q28299):
There are 69 proteins with this architecture (represented by Q1MSW8):
There are 55 proteins with this architecture (represented by Q9W680):
There are 50 proteins with this architecture (represented by Q4S837):
There are 45 proteins with this architecture (represented by F1L1F1):
There are 42 proteins with this architecture (represented by Q9N6D8):
There are 41 proteins with this architecture (represented by F2U8Q9):
There are 18 proteins with this architecture (represented by A0A553PV78):
There are 15 proteins with this architecture (represented by B7QF52):
There are 15 proteins with this architecture (represented by H2EHT1):
There are 8 proteins with this architecture (represented by A0A4Y2MDL6):
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