31 domain architectures
There are 7997 proteins with this architecture (represented by O68034):
There are 1209 proteins with this architecture (represented by O59123):
There are 626 proteins with this architecture (represented by Q6MKU4):
There are 543 proteins with this architecture (represented by Q1RIA8):
There are 5 proteins with this architecture (represented by I6AYZ7):
There are 4 proteins with this architecture (represented by A0A3B9MYL8):
There are 3 proteins with this architecture (represented by Q1AV19):
There are 3 proteins with this architecture (represented by A0A258FB91):
There are 3 proteins with this architecture (represented by A0A661PXC0):
There are 2 proteins with this architecture (represented by A0A7R8WP37):
There are 2 proteins with this architecture (represented by A0A2N3C6N0):
There is 1 protein with this architecture (represented by A0A6A6K1F5):
There is 1 protein with this architecture (represented by A0AA39CQY6):
There is 1 protein with this architecture (represented by A0A811UNS5):
There is 1 protein with this architecture (represented by A0A9P9Z302):
There is 1 protein with this architecture (represented by A0AA36IS20):
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