116 domain architectures
There are 5373 proteins with this architecture (represented by P32628):
There are 438 proteins with this architecture (represented by Q8BRA9):
There are 417 proteins with this architecture (represented by Q8IMB7):
There are 229 proteins with this architecture (represented by Q4DET5):
There are 99 proteins with this architecture (represented by B0FCA0):
There are 76 proteins with this architecture (represented by A5AQB0):
There are 21 proteins with this architecture (represented by B0FCA1):
There are 11 proteins with this architecture (represented by A0A0K6G7M2):
There are 7 proteins with this architecture (represented by A0A2U9C4P8):
There are 6 proteins with this architecture (represented by A0A0D2BN39):
There are 6 proteins with this architecture (represented by A0A0A2VQV0):
There are 6 proteins with this architecture (represented by A0A0A1X0A4):
There are 5 proteins with this architecture (represented by A8WTE4):
There are 5 proteins with this architecture (represented by A0A813TFN3):
There are 4 proteins with this architecture (represented by X8JKB0):
There are 4 proteins with this architecture (represented by A0A080WMQ7):
There are 4 proteins with this architecture (represented by A0A1D2NCK3):
There are 4 proteins with this architecture (represented by A0A1X2GB72):
There are 3 proteins with this architecture (represented by A0A3T0QHM0):
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