670 domain architectures
There are 4723 proteins with this architecture (represented by Q10652):
There are 4401 proteins with this architecture (represented by O95696):
There are 3982 proteins with this architecture (represented by Q12311):
There are 2353 proteins with this architecture (represented by Q91VY5):
There are 1367 proteins with this architecture (represented by O93321):
There are 1137 proteins with this architecture (represented by Q5ZHL3):
There are 989 proteins with this architecture (represented by Q803M2):
There are 966 proteins with this architecture (represented by Q8X0I0):
There are 823 proteins with this architecture (represented by Q6C418):
There are 697 proteins with this architecture (represented by Q8GZ42):
There are 657 proteins with this architecture (represented by Q8IRW8):
There are 637 proteins with this architecture (represented by B2GUY7):
There are 480 proteins with this architecture (represented by Q9CA14):
There are 459 proteins with this architecture (represented by Q9LUC1):
There are 435 proteins with this architecture (represented by A0A2C9JMF8):
There are 417 proteins with this architecture (represented by Q4SFG0):
There are 363 proteins with this architecture (represented by B3KX69):
There are 327 proteins with this architecture (represented by Q6K431):
There are 312 proteins with this architecture (represented by N6T143):
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