

Pfam clan
Member databasePfam
AuthorsBateman A


This superfamily contains a wide range of families that possess a structure similar to the second domain of ribosomal S5 protein.


1. Crystal structure of the tRNA processing enzyme RNase PH from Aquifex aeolicus. Ishii R, Nureki O, Yokoyama S J Biol Chem. 278, 32397-32404, (2003). PMID: 12746447

Clan Viewer

7.5e-135.1e-11UPF0029 - Uncharacterized protein family UPF0029IGPD - Imidazoleglycerol-phosphate dehydrataseRibonuclease_P - Ribonuclease PRibosomal_S5_C - Ribosomal protein S5, C-terminal domainEFG_IV - Elongation factor G, domain IVDNA_gyraseB - DNA gyrase BDNA_mis_repair - DNA mismatch repair protein, C-terminal domainGHMP_kinases_N - GHMP kinases N terminal domainLpxC - UDP-3-O-acyl N-acetylglycosamine deacetylaseFae - Formaldehyde-activating enzyme (Fae)Ribosomal_S9 - Ribosomal protein S9/S16RNase_PH - 3' exoribonuclease family, domain 1Lon_C - Lon protease (S16) C-terminal proteolytic domainTopo-VIb_trans - Topoisomerase VI B subunit, transducerXol-1_N - Switch protein XOL-1, N-terminalGalKase_gal_bdg - Galactokinase galactose-binding signatureChlI - Subunit ChlI of Mg-chelataseSMCHD1_S5 - SMCHD1, ribosomal S5 domain 2-like domainMorc6_S5 - Morc6 ribosomal protein S5 domain 2-likeMVD-like_N - Diphosphomevalonate decarboxylase-like N-terminal domain
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