
Inhibitors of the herbicidal target IspD

PDB structure
Experiment typeX-ray
Resolution1.6 Å
Released24 August 2011


1. Inhibitors of the Herbicidal Target Ispd: Allosteric Site Binding. Witschel, M.C., Hoeffken, H.W., Seet, M., Parra, L., Mietzner, T., Thater, F., Niggeweg, R., Rohl, F., Illarionov, B., Rohdich, F., Kaiser, J., Fischer, M., Bacher, A., Diederich, F. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 50, 7931, (2011). View articlePMID: 21766403

2. The Crystal Structure of a Plant 2C-Methyl-D- Erythritol 4-Phosphate Cytidylyltransferase Exhibits a Distinct Quaternary Structure Compared to Bacterial Homologues and a Possible Role in Feedback Regulation for Cytidine Monophosphate. Gabrielsen, M., Kaiser, J., Rohdich, F., Eisenreich, W., Laupitz, R., Bacher, A., Bond, C.S., Hunter, W.N. FEBS J. 273, 1065, (2006). View articlePMID: 16478479

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