
Structure of Vibrio cholerae broad spectrum racemase double mutant R173A, N174A

PDB structure
Experiment typeX-ray
Resolution1.5 Å
Released15 January 2014


1. Structural Basis for the Broad Specificity of a New Family of Amino-Acid Racemases. Espaillat, A., Carrasco-Lopez, C., Bernardo-Garcia, N., Pietrosemoli, N., Otero, L.H., Alvarez, L., De Pedro, M.A., Pazos, F., Davis, B.M., Waldor, M.K., Hermoso, J.A., Cava, F. Acta Crystallogr. D Biol. Crystallogr. 70, 79, (2014). View articlePMID: 24419381

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