Kayvirus G1

UniProtKB taxonomy
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rootVirusesDuplodnaviriaHeunggongviraeUroviricotaCaudoviricetes (bacterial and archaeal viruses with head-tail morphology)HerelleviridaeTwortvirinaeKayvirusKayvirus G1 (4917)Staphylococcus phage P4WStaphylococcus phage Staph1NStaphylococcus phage A3RStaphylococcus phage Fi200WStaphylococcus phage Sb1M_9832Staphylococcus phage CH1Staphylococcus phage Team1Staphylococcus phage A5WStaphylococcus phage vBSM-A1Staphylococcus phage IME-SA2Staphylococcus phage G1Staphylococcus phage IME-SA118Staphylococcus phage SAOMS1Staphylococcus phage SAM2Staphylococcus phage SA5Staphylococcus phage 676ZStaphylococcus phage MSA6Staphylococcus phage IME-SA119Staphylococcus phage ISPStaphylococcus phage Sb1_8383Staphylococcus phage vB_SaS_GE1Staphylococcus phage IME-SA1Staphylococcus phage Sb1M_6168Staphylococcus phage PM22Staphylococcus phage pSa-3
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