Dictyostelium discoideum

Taxonomy database identifier: 44689
Superkingdom Eukaryota
Kingdom Protozoa
Subkingdom Gymnomyxa
Phylum Sarcomastigophora
Subphylum Sarcodina
Superclass Rhizopoda
Class Dictyostelia
Order Dictyosteliida
Family Dictyosteliidae
Genus Dictyostelium
Species discoideum
Inhibitor View inhibitor sequences from Dictyostelium discoideum
Count of known and putative inhibitors: 8, non-peptidase homologues: 7
Completely sequences genomes from subspecies and strains Protein coding genes

To show all strains with completely sequenced genomes, click here.

Clan Family MEROPS ID Peptidase or homologue (subtype) MERNUM Gene Link Locus Megabases
I- I71 unassigned family I71 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER1154023 dlrA
I- I71 unassigned family I71 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER1154021 DDB0188132
I- I71 unassigned family I71 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0605003
I- I71 unassigned family I71 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0435233 DDB_G0292046
I- I71 unassigned family I71 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0435234 DDB_G0292046
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0793890 DDB0189200
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0794286 DDB0186107
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0604980
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0604967
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0603310
I- I87 unassigned family I87 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0604961
IA I8 unassigned family I8 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0604985
IA I8 unassigned family I8 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0603311
ID I4 I04.963 serine proteinase inhibitor MBM2a MER0604984
ID I4 unassigned family I4 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0603300
IH I25 unassigned subfamily I25A unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0029375 cpiC DDB_G0277001
IH I25 unassigned subfamily I25A unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0052379 cpiB DDB_G0280439
IH I25 unassigned subfamily I25A unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0052374 cpiA DDB_G0291834
IP I17 homologue family I17 unassigned peptidase inhibitor homologues MER0036668
JE I51 unassigned family I51 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0029408 DDB_G0275583
JE I51 unassigned family I51 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0109127 DDB_G0283803
JF I29 I29.003 cathepsin H propeptide MER0043913 DDB_G0272742
JF I29 I29.003 cathepsin H propeptide MER0018383 cprB DDB_G0279799
JF I29 I29.003 cathepsin H propeptide MER0018397 cprE DDB_G0272815
JF I29 I29.003 cathepsin H propeptide MER0052376 cprC DDB_G0283867
JF I29 unassigned family I29 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0018381 cprA DDB_G0290957
JF I29 unassigned family I29 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0018396 cprD DDB_G0278721
JF I29 unassigned family I29 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0043085 cfaD DDB_G0281605
JF I29 unassigned family I29 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0768697 DDB0219654
JF I29 unassigned family I29 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0767003 DDB0185304
JF I29 unassigned family I29 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0770212 DDB0204000
JF I29 unassigned family I29 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0768500 DDB0203998
JF I29 unassigned family I29 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0768977 DDB_G0278401
JF I29 unassigned family I29 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0768869 DDB0203746
JF I29 unassigned family I29 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0770956 DDB0167535
JF I29 unassigned family I29 unassigned peptidase inhibitors MER0043874 cprF DDB_G0279185

GENOME ANALYSIS: Comparison with 729 completely sequenced genomes from superkingdom Eukaryota
Family Comment
I8 significant presence (2 homologues)
I17 significant presence (1 homologues)
I25 significant presence (3 homologues)
I71 significant presence (5 homologues)