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pectoral girdle skeletonImported

A subdivision of a limb or fin skeleton consisting of bones which connects the upper limb or fin to the axial skeleton on each side. It consists of the clavicle and scapula in humans and, in those species with three bones in the pectoral girdle, the coracoid. Some mammalian species (e.g. the dog and the horse) have only the scapula. In humans, the only joints between the shoulder girdle and axial skeleton are the sternoclavicular joints on each side. No joint exists between each scapula and the rib cage; instead the muscular connection between the two permits relatively great mobility of the shoulder girdle in relation to the pelvic girdle. In those species having only the scapula, no joint exists between the forelimb and the thorax, the only attachment being muscular[WP]. Examples: There are only two instances, right and left pectoral girdle skeletons.

Defined byuberon
Also appears incpontaismclomondoohpi + 20
Exact Synonyms
skeletal parts of pectoral girdle
skeleton of pectoral girdle
Related Synonyms
cingulum pectorale
pectoral girdle
scapular girdle
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preferred label

pectoral girdle skeleton

  • Anatomical cluster of paired dermal and endochondral bones that attaches to the dorso-posterior part of the cranium, and support the radials and pectoral fin. It consists of two components: the primary pectoral girdle consisting of the endochondral coracoid, scapula and mesocoracoid bones, and the secondary pectoral girdle consisting of the dermal posttemporal, supracleithrum, cleithrum and poscleithrum(thra) bones.[TAO]
  • Girdle skeleton consisting of a set of bones linking the axial series to the forelimb/fin skeleton and offering anchoring areas for forelimb/fin and caudal musculature.[VSAO]
  • Skeletal structure immediately behind the head attached to the vertebral column by muscles and supporting the forelimbs.[AAO]

The pectoral girdle is clearly of dual origin, composed of dermal as well as endochondral bones. The endochondral component, the scapulocoracoid, evolved by fusion or enlargment of several basal fin elements. (...) The dermal component of the shoulder girdle evolved from dermal bones of the body's surface. (...) Like endochondral bones, these dermal bones were passed along to tetrapods (...).[well established][VHOG]


Note that the VSAO and many ontologies use the label 'pectoral girdle' to denote the skeletal region specifically.

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