shoot systemImported
A collective plant organ structure (collective plant organ structurepo) that produces shoot-borne portions of meristem tissue (portion of meristem tissuepo) and the plant structures (plant structurepo) that arise from them.
The shoot system is generally used to refer to the above-ground plant parts, although some plants have parts of their shoot system underground. For example, a rhizome (rhizomepo), bulb (bulbpo), a corm (cormpo) or a subterranean tuber (subterranean shoot axis tuberpo), as in Solanum tuberosum (potato) or yam, are all part of the shoot system.
Defined bypo
Exact Synonyms
sistema de epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact)
シュート系、苗条系 (Japanese, exact)
Related Synonyms
Poaceae crown (related)
shoot (related)
thalli (related, plural)
thallus (related)
Narrow Synonyms
tree crown (narrow)
class Information
- FNA:02756ad4-a09c-48d7-8754-903254e557a9
- FNA:d1431b5c-7b86-46a0-8d3c-bd426fe12c85
- PO_GIT:135
class Relations
Disjoint with
Subclass of