autophagosome assembly
The formation of a double membrane-bounded structure, the autophagosome, that occurs when a specialized membrane sac, called the isolation membrane, starts to enclose a portion of the cytoplasm.
Exact Synonyms
autophagic vacuole assembly
autophagosome biosynthesis
autophagosome formation
Related Synonyms
autophagic vacuole formation
Narrow Synonyms
PAS formation
class Information
class Relations
Equivalent to
Subclass of
- organelle assembly
- autophagosome organization
- has partbfosomeAtg12 activating enzyme activity
- has partbfosomeprotein-phosphatidylethanolamide deconjugating activity
- has partbfosomeAtg12 conjugating enzyme activity
- has partbfosomeAtg12 ligase activity
- in taxonrosomeEukaryotancbitaxon
- starts withrosomeAtg1/ULK1 kinase complex assembly
- results in assembly ofrosomeautophagosome
Related from
starts with
capable of part of
negatively regulates
part of
positively regulates