tryptophan-tRNA ligase activity
Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + L-tryptophan + tRNA(Trp) = AMP + diphosphate + L-tryptophanyl-tRNA(Trp).
Exact Synonyms
tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase activity
Related Synonyms
L-tryptophan-tRNA(Trp) ligase (AMP-forming) activity
L-tryptophan-tRNATrp ligase (AMP-forming)
L-tryptophan:tRNATrp ligase (AMP-forming)
TrpRS activity
tryptophan translase activity
tryptophanyl ribonucleic synthetase activity
tryptophanyl-transfer ribonucleate synthetase activity
tryptophanyl-transfer ribonucleic acid synthetase activity
tryptophanyl-transfer ribonucleic synthetase activity
tryptophanyl-transfer RNA synthetase activity
tryptophanyl-tRNA synthase activity
class Information
- EC:
- Reactome:R-HSA-379977
- Reactome:R-HSA-380222
- RHEA:24080
class Relations
Subclass of
- aminoacyl-tRNA ligase activity
- has participantrosomehydronchebi
- has participantrosomeATP(4-)chebi
- has participantrosomediphosphate(3-)chebi
- has participantrosomeadenosine 5'-monophosphate(2-)chebi
- has participantrosomeL-tryptophan zwitterionchebi
- has participantrosomeAMP 3'-end(1-) residuechebi
- has participantrosome3'-(L-tryptophyl)adenylyl(1-) groupchebi