tRNA guanylyltransferase activity
Catalysis of the posttranscriptional addition of a guanyl residue to the 5' end of a tRNA molecule; observed for His tRNAs.
class Information
- EC:
- RHEA:54564
class Relations
Subclass of
- RNA guanylyltransferase activity
- catalytic activity, acting on a tRNA
- part ofrosometRNA 5'-end processing
- has participantrosome5'-end ribonucleotide(2-) residuechebi
- has participantrosome5'-end GMP-ribonucleotide(3-) residuechebi
- has participantrosomewaterchebi
- has participantrosomehydronchebi
- has participantrosomeATP(4-)chebi
- has participantrosomediphosphate(3-)chebi
- has participantrosomeGTP(4-)chebi
- has participantrosomeadenosine 5'-monophosphate(2-)chebi