Mouse adult gross anatomy
Version 2017-02-07
A structured controlled vocabulary of the adult anatomy of the mouse (Mus).
- abdomen
- abdominal aorta
- abdominal segment of trunk
- accessory olfactory bulb
- accessory olfactory bulb glomerular layer
- accessory olfactory bulb mitral cell layer
- accessory XI nerve cranial component
- accumbens nucleus
- adenohypophysis
- adrenal gland capsule
- adrenal gland cortex
- adrenal gland cortex zone (5)
- adrenal gland medulla
- alimentary system
- alveolar atrium
- alveolar duct
- alveolar sac
- alveolar smooth muscle
- alveolar system
- alveolar wall
- amygdala
- anal canal
- anal canal caudal part
- anal canal rostral part
- anal region
- anal region skeletal muscle (1)
- anal region smooth muscle (2)
- ankle
- annulus fibrosus
- anterior division of bed nucleus of stria terminalis
- anterior limiting lamina
- anterior olfactory nucleus
- anterior thalamic group
- anus
- apex of heart
- appendicular skeleton
- appendix
- arachnoid mater (7)
- arch of aorta
- arcuate nucleus
- area cribosa
- areola
- ascending aorta
- atrioventricular bundle
- atrioventricular node
- auditory bone (3)
- auditory cortex
- auditory tube
- auricle
- auricular blood vessel
- auricular cartilage
- auricular muscle
- auricular nerve
- autonomic nervous system
- autopod joint
- axial skeleton
- back of trunk
- barrel cortex
- basal ganglia
- basilar membrane
- bile canaliculus
- bile duct epithelium
- bile duct extrahepatic part
- bile duct intrahepatic part
- biliary tract
- blood vessel (413)
- blood vessel smooth muscle (4)
- bone (183)
- bone marrow
- bone marrow cavity
- bony labyrinth
- bowel
- bowel wall
- brain ependyma (3)
- brain marginal zone
- brain nucleus (48)
- brain subventricular zone
- brain ventricle (3)
- brain ventricular zone
- brainstem
- bronchiole (2)
- bronchus basal lamina
- bronchus connective tissue (5)
- bronchus elastic tissue
- bronchus reticular lamina
- bulbourethral gland secretion
- caput epididymis
- cardiovascular system endothelium (14)
- carpus
- cartilaginous joint suture
- cauda epididymis
- caudate nucleus
- caudate-putamen
- cecum
- central medial nucleus
- central nervous system
- cerebellar cortex
- cerebellar layer (6)
- cerebellum
- cerebellum hemisphere
- cerebellum vermis
- cerebral aqueduct
- cerebral cortex
- cerebral hemisphere
- cervix epithelium (1)
- cheek
- chest
- chondrocranium
- choroid
- choroid fissure
- choroid plexus (3)
- choroid plexus epithelium (3)
- choroid plexus stroma (3)
- choroidal blood vessel
- ciliary body
- ciliary stroma
- cingulate cortex
- claustrum
- clitoris
- coat hair (6)
- coat hair bulb
- cochlea
- cochlear duct
- colon (3)
- common bile duct
- common dorsal aorta
- common hepatic duct
- conjunctiva
- cornea
- corneal blood vessel
- corneal endothelium
- corneal nerves
- corneal stroma
- corpora quadrigemina
- corpus epididymis
- cortical arch
- costal arch
- cranium
- crista ampullaris
- crus commune
- crypt of lieberkuhn (2)
- cumulus oophorus
- cuticle
- cystic duct
- decidua
- deep cerebellar nucleus (2)
- dental lamina (2)
- dental papilla (2)
- dental pulp (2)
- dentate gyrus
- dentate gyrus hilus
- dentate gyrus layer (4)
- dermis
- dermis adipose tissue
- dermis connective tissue
- dermis papillary layer
- dermis reticular layer
- descending aorta
- descending thoracic aorta
- diencephalon
- diencephalon meninges
- distal convoluted tubule convoluted part
- distal convoluted tubule macula densa
- distal convoluted tubule straight part
- distal rib
- distal straight tubule macula densa
- distal straight tubule postmacula segment
- dorsal aorta
- dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus
- dorsal mesocardium
- dorsal thalamus
- dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus
- ductus reuniens
- dura mater (7)
- ear lobe
- ear skin
- efferent duct
- efferent duct epithelium
- elbow
- endocardial cushion
- endolymphatic appendage
- endolymphatic duct
- endolymphatic sac
- endometrium
- endometrium epithelium
- endometrium glandular epithelium
- endometrium luminal epithelium
- endometrium stroma
- enteric nervous system
- epidermis
- epidermis stratum basale
- epidermis stratum corneum
- epidermis stratum granulosum
- epidermis stratum lucidum
- epidermis stratum spinosum
- epidermis suprabasal layer
- epididymal duct
- epididymis smooth muscle
- epithalamus
- esophagus mucosa
- esophagus muscle
- esophagus muscularis mucosa
- esophagus skeletal muscle
- esophagus smooth muscle circular layer
- esophagus smooth muscle longitudinal layer
- esophagus submucosa
- esophagus wall
- external acoustic meatus
- external acoustic meatus cartilaginous part
- external acoustic meatus osseus part
- external naris epithelium
- external spiral sulcus
- extraglomerular mesangium
- extrahepatic bile duct epithelium
- extrinsic auricular muscle
- eye anterior segment
- eye chamber (3)
- eye gland (7)
- eye muscle (17)
- eye posterior segment
- eye surface
- eyelash
- eyelid (2)
- eyelid blood vessel
- eyelid connective tissue (2)
- eyelid nerve
- eyelid skin
- eyelid tarsus (2)
- face
- facial VII nerve chorda tympani branch
- female germ cell
- female membranous urethra
- female urethral meatus
- fimbria hippocampus
- flocculus
- fontanel (1)
- foot digit blood vessel
- foot digit connective tissue
- foot digit muscle
- foot digit nerve
- foot digit skin
- foot interdigit region
- foramen caecum
- foramen ovale
- forebrain
- foregut
- forelimb skin (8)
- forestomach
- fovea
- frontal association cortex
- fusiform nucleus
- gall bladder epithelium
- gall bladder lamina propria
- gall bladder serosa
- gall bladder smooth muscle
- ganglion (28)
- gastrointestinal system epithelium (11)
- gastrointestinal system lamina propria (2)
- gastrointestinal system mesentery (7)
- gastrointestinal system mucosa (3)
- gastrointestinal system serosa (3)
- gastrointestinal system smooth muscle (3)
- geniculate thalamic group
- gingiva
- gingival epithelium
- girdle bone (9)
- glans penis
- globus pallidus
- glomerular capillary basement membrane
- glomerular capillary endothelium
- glomerular capsule
- glomerular juxtacapillary capsular wall
- glomerular mesangium
- glomerular outer capsular wall
- glomerulus
- glottis
- grey matter (6)
- gut
- habenula
- hair cortex
- hair cuticle
- hair follicle (1)
- hair inner root sheath
- hair medulla
- hair outer root sheath
- hair root sheath
- hair root sheath matrix
- hair shaft
- hand digit blood vessel
- hand digit connective tissue
- hand digit muscle
- hand digit nerve
- hand digit skin
- hand interdigit region
- hard palate
- hassall's corpuscle
- head
- head or neck nerve or ganglion (3)
- head or neck organ (25)
- heart
- heart atrium (2)
- heart blood vessel (4)
- heart mesentery
- heart septum (2)
- heart valve (6)
- heart ventricle (2)
- heart ventricle membranous part (2)
- heart ventricle muscular part (2)
- heart ventricle wall
- hematopoietic system
- hepatic duct extrahepatic part
- hepatic duct intrahepatic part
- hepatic duct smooth muscle
- hepatobiliary system
- hilar part of hepatic duct
- hilar part of left hepatic duct
- hilar part of right hepatic duct
- hindbrain
- hindgut
- hindlimb skin (7)
- hip
- hippocampal commissure
- hippocampal formation
- hippocampus
- hippocampus layer (7)
- hippocampus region (4)
- hyaloid cavity
- hyaloid vascular plexus (2)
- hyponychium
- hypopharynx
- hypothalamic nucleus
- hypothalamus
- hypothalamus lateral zone
- hypothalamus medial zone
- hypothalamus periventricular zone
- ileocaecal junction
- impulse conducting system
- inferior colliculus
- inferior glossopharyngeal IX ganglion
- inferior hypogastric nerve plexus
- inferior olive beta subnucleus
- inferior olive dorsal accessory nucleus
- inferior olive inferior nucleus
- inferior olive medial accessory nucleus
- inferior olive medial nucleus
- inferior olive principal nucleus
- inferior vagus X ganglion
- infundibulum
- inner canthus
- inner ear
- integumental system gland (21)
- interalveolar septum
- intercerebral commissure (2)
- interlobular bile duct
- intermolar eminence
- internal spiral sulcus
- intestine muscularis mucosa
- intestine wall
- intrahepatic bile duct epithelium
- intrahepatic part of left hepatic duct
- intrahepatic part of right hepatic duct
- intralaminar thalamic group
- intralobular bile duct
- intrinsic auricular muscle
- intrinsic tongue muscle transverse component
- intrinsic tongue muscle vertical component
- iris
- iris blood vessel
- iris muscle (2)
- iris nerve
- iris stroma
- islands of Calleja
- jaw
- joint (26)
- joint articular surface
- joint fibrous capsule
- juxtaglomerular complex
- kidney blood vessel (24)
- kidney calyx (2)
- kidney capsule
- kidney collecting duct (6)
- kidney column
- kidney cortex (2)
- kidney cortex interstitium
- kidney inner medulla
- kidney inner medulla interstitium
- kidney interstitium
- kidney medulla
- kidney medulla interstitium
- kidney outer medulla
- kidney outer medulla interstitium
- kidney papilla
- kidney pelvis
- kidney pelvis smooth muscle
- kidney pelvis urothelium
- kidney pyramid
- kidney subcapsular mesenchyme
- kidney tubule (18)
- kidney tubule basement membrane
- knee
- labium (2)
- lacrimal apparatus
- lacrimal canaliculus
- lacrimal duct
- lacrimal sac
- large intestine
- large intestine mucosa
- large intestine muscularis mucosa
- large intestine serosa
- large intestine smooth muscle
- large intestine smooth muscle circular layer
- large intestine smooth muscle longitudinal layer
- large intestine submucosa
- large intestine wall
- larynx mucous gland
- larynx muscle (2)
- larynx submucosa
- larynx submucosa gland
- lateral entorhinal cortex
- lateral geniculate nucleus
- lateral globus pallidus
- lateral habenular nucleus
- lateral hypothalamic area
- lateral mammillary nucleus
- lateral preoptic area
- lateral thalamic group
- lateral ventricle subependymal layer
- left dorsal aorta
- left hepatic duct
- left hepatic recess
- left lung alveolar duct
- left lung alveolar system
- left lung alveolus
- left lung bronchiole (2)
- left vagus X nerve trunk
- lens
- lens capsule
- lens fiber
- lentiform nucleus
- lesser omentum
- limb digit (13)
- limb joint (16)
- limbus lamina spiralis
- lip (2)
- lip philtrum
- lip skeletal muscle
- lip skin
- liver acinus
- liver bare area
- liver lobe (7)
- liver lobule
- liver papillary process
- liver parenchyma
- liver perisinusoidal space
- liver sinusoid
- lobar bronchus connective tissue
- lobar bronchus epithelium (2)
- long bone epiphysis (2)
- long bone metaphysis (2)
- loop of henle ascending limb
- loop of henle ascending limb thin segment
- loop of henle bend
- loop of henle descending limb
- lower back
- lower jaw
- lower respiratory tract connective tissue
- lower respiratory tract smooth muscle (2)
- lower urinary tract
- lunate
- lung alveolus
- lymph node (32)
- lymph node capsule
- lymph node cortex
- lymph node endothelium
- lymph node follicle (2)
- lymph node medulla
- lymph node trabeculum
- lymph organ
- lymphatic vessel (3)
- lymphatic vessel endothelium
- lymphatic vessel smooth muscle
- lymphoid system
- lymphoid tissue (12)
- macula
- macula densa
- macula of saccule
- macula of utricle
- magnocellular nucleus
- main bronchus blood vessel
- main bronchus connective tissue (1)
- main bronchus epithelium
- main bronchus smooth muscle
- main olfactory bulb (1)
- male germ cell
- male membranous urethra
- male urethra ostium
- mammary gland alveolus
- mammary gland duct
- mammary gland epithelium
- mammary gland lobule
- mammary gland smooth muscle
- mammillary body
- mandible petrous part
- mandible squamous part
- maxilla alveolar process
- medial entorhinal cortex
- medial geniculate nucleus
- medial globus pallidus
- medial habenular nucleus
- medial mammillary nucleus
- medial preoptic nucleus
- medial preoptic region
- medial septal nucleus
- medial thalamic group
- median eminence
- medulla oblongata
- membranous labyrinth
- membranous urethra
- meninges (5)
- mesangium
- metacarpus
- metatarsus
- metencephalon
- midbrain
- middle ear
- midgut
- midline thalamic group
- modiolus
- mouse anatomical entity (274)
- mouth
- muscle organ (150)
- myelencephalon
- myocardium (5)
- myocardium layer (2)
- myometrium
- myometrium inner circular layer
- myometrium outer longitudinal layer
- nail
- nail bed
- nail matrix
- nail plate
- naris (2)
- nasal capsule
- nasal cavity
- nasal septum
- nasal turbinate
- nasolacrimal duct
- nasopharynx
- neck
- neocortex
- neocortex layer (6)
- neocortex region (7)
- nephron
- nerve (57)
- nerve plexus (13)
- nerve trunk (10)
- nipple
- nucleus approprius
- nucleus of diagonal band
- nucleus pulposus
- nucleus related to visual cortex
- nucleus reuniens
- olfactory bulb external plexiform layer
- olfactory bulb glomerular layer
- olfactory bulb granule cell layer
- olfactory bulb internal plexiform layer
- olfactory bulb mitral cell layer
- olfactory bulb subependymal zone
- olfactory cortex
- olfactory gland
- olfactory lobe
- olfactory receptor nerve
- olfactory tract
- olfactory tubercle
- omental bursa
- omental bursa inferior recess
- omental bursa superior recess
- optic chiasm
- optic disc
- optic tract
- oral region
- oral region cartilage/bone (6)
- orbit
- orbital septum
- organ of Zuckerkandl
- oropharynx
- os clitoris
- os penis
- osseus cochlea
- osseus cochlear canal
- osseus labyrinth vestibule
- osseus semicircular canal (3)
- osseus spiral lamina
- otic capsule
- outer canthus
- outer ear
- outer medulla inner stripe
- outer medulla inner stripe loop of henle
- outer medulla outer stripe
- outer medulla outer stripe loop of henle
- outflow tract
- outflow tract aortic component
- outflow tract pericardium
- outflow tract pulmonary component
- outflow tract pulmonary component distal part
- outflow tract pulmonary component proximal part
- outflow tract smooth muscle
- oval nucleus
- ovary capsule
- ovary follicle (6)
- ovary germinal epithelium
- ovary stratum granulosum
- ovary theca (2)
- oviduct epithelium (2)
- oviduct smooth muscle
- palate
- pallidum
- palpebral conjunctiva
- palpebral fissure
- pancreas body
- pancreas head
- pancreas lobe (2)
- pancreas parenchyma
- pancreas tail
- pancreatic acinus
- pancreatic duct (2)
- pancreatic islet
- pancreatic islet core
- pancreatic islet mantle
- paracentral nucleus
- parafascicular nucleus
- parasympathetic nervous system
- parathyroid gland capsule
- parathyroid gland parenchyma
- paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus
- paraventricular thalamic nucleus
- pars anterior
- pars intermedia
- pars posterior
- pars tuberalis
- part of afferent arteriole forming juxtaglomerular complex
- pelvis
- penile urethra
- penile urethra cavernous portion
- penile urethra fossa terminalis
- penis epithelium
- penis erectile tissue (1)
- penis foreskin
- penis skin
- perifornical nucleus
- perihilar interstitium
- perilymphatic channel (3)
- perineum
- periolivary nucleus
- peripeduncular nucleus
- peripheral nervous system
- peripheral nervous system spinal component
- perirhinal cortex
- peritoneal cavity greater sac
- peyer's patch dome
- peyer's patch epithelium
- peyer's patch follicle
- peyer's patch germinal center
- pharynx epithelium (2)
- pharynx muscle (1)
- pia mater (7)
- piriform cortex
- pituitary gland
- placenta
- placenta metrial gland
- plasma
- pons
- portal lobule
- portal triad
- posterior division of bed nucleus of stria terminalis
- posterior limiting lamina
- prepuce
- prepuce epithelium
- presubiculum
- pretectal region
- primary choana
- primary motor cortex
- primary somatosensory cortex
- primary visual cortex
- principal nucleus
- prostate duct
- prostate gland epithelium
- prostate gland lobe (5)
- prostate gland secretion
- prostate gland smooth muscle
- prostatic urethra
- proximal convoluted tubule convoluted part
- proximal convoluted tubule neck
- proximal convoluted tubule straight part
- proximal nail bed
- proximal rib
- pupil
- pupillary membrane
- purkinje fiber
- putamen
- rectum
- remnant of Rathke's pouch
- renal corpuscle (1)
- renal nerve
- reproductive gland (10)
- reproductive organ (8)
- respiratory bronchiole epithelium
- respiratory system arterial endothelium
- respiratory system arterial smooth muscle
- respiratory system basal lamina
- respiratory system basement membrane
- respiratory system blood vessel (7)
- respiratory system blood vessel endothelium
- respiratory system blood vessel smooth muscle
- respiratory system capillary endothelium
- respiratory system cartilage (9)
- respiratory system connective tissue (17)
- respiratory system epithelium (15)
- respiratory system lamina propria
- respiratory system lymphatic vessel
- respiratory system lymphatic vessel endothelium
- respiratory system lymphatic vessel smooth muscle
- respiratory system mucosa (1)
- respiratory system muscle (4)
- respiratory system reticular lamina
- respiratory system submucosa
- respiratory system venous endothelium
- respiratory system venous smooth muscle
- respiratory tract (2)
- rest of afferent arteriole
- rest of ureter
- reticular lamina
- reticular thalamic nucleus
- retina
- retina blood vessel
- retina lamina (2)
- retina layer (7)
- retina photoreceptor layer inner segment
- retina photoreceptor layer outer segment
- retrochiasmatic area
- rib dorsal segment
- rib head
- rib shaft
- rib tubercle
- rib ventral segment
- right atrium valve (1)
- right dorsal aorta
- right hepatic duct
- right hepatic recess
- right lung alveolar duct
- right lung alveolar system
- right lung alveolus
- right lung bronchiole (2)
- right vagus X nerve trunk
- saccule epithelium
- salivary duct (4)
- salivary gland epithelium
- scaphoid
- sclera
- scrotum
- secondary somatosensory cortex
- secondary visual cortex
- segmental bronchus epithelium
- semicircular canal
- semicircular duct (3)
- semicircular duct ampulla
- seminal fluid
- seminal vesicle epithelium
- seminal vesicle secretion
- seminiferous tubule
- seminiferous tubule epithelium
- sensory organ (6)
- septal olfactory organ (2)
- septofimbrial nucleus
- septum of telencephalon
- serum
- set of skeletal muscles (44)
- shoulder
- sinoatrial node
- skeletal system
- skin (14)
- skin muscle (1)
- small intestine (3)
- small intestine mucosa
- small intestine muscularis mucosa
- small intestine serosa
- small intestine smooth muscle
- small intestine smooth muscle circular layer
- small intestine smooth muscle longitudinal layer
- small intestine submucosa
- small intestine villus
- small intestine wall
- snout
- soft palate
- sphenoid bone pterygoid process
- spinal cord basal nucleus (2)
- spinal cord central canal
- spinal cord central cervical nucleus
- spinal cord central grey
- spinal cord dorsal column
- spinal cord dorsal commissural nucleus
- spinal cord dorsal horn
- spinal cord dorsal nucleus
- spinal cord ependymal layer
- spinal cord intermediate grey
- spinal cord intermediolateral nucleus
- spinal cord lateral column
- spinal cord lateral motor column
- spinal cord marginal zone
- spinal cord reticular nucleus
- spinal cord ventral column
- spinal cord ventral horn
- spiral ligament
- spiral organ
- spiral sulcus
- spleen capsule
- spleen central arteriole
- spleen germinal center
- spleen hilum
- spleen lymphoid follicle
- spleen marginal sinus
- spleen marginal zone
- spleen periarteriolar lymphatic sheath
- spleen pulp
- spleen red pulp
- spleen smooth muscle
- spleen trabecular artery
- spleen trabecular vein
- spleen trabeculum
- spleen venous sinus
- spleen white pulp
- splenic cord
- sternal manubrium
- sternebra
- stomach muscularis mucosa
- stomach region (11)
- stomach smooth muscle circular layer
- stomach submucosa
- stomach wall
- stria vascularis
- striatum
- subiculum
- subparaventricular zone
- substantia gelatinosa
- substantia nigra
- substantia nigra pars compacta
- substantia nigra pars lateralis
- substantia nigra pars reticulata
- subthalamic nucleus
- superficial dermis
- superior colliculus
- superior glossopharyngeal IX ganglion
- superior hypogastric nerve plexus
- superior vagus X ganglion
- suprachiasmatic nucleus
- supramammillary nucleus
- supraoptic nucleus
- sympathetic nervous system
- symphysis menti
- tarsus
- taste bud
- tectorial membrane
- tectum
- tegmentum
- telencephalon
- telencephalon meninges
- temporal bone petrous part
- temporal cortex association area
- terminal bronchiole epithelium
- terminal bronchus epithelium
- testis interstitial tissue
- thalamus
- thoracic aorta
- thoracic segment of trunk
- thymus capsule
- thymus cortex
- thymus epithelium (1)
- thymus lobule
- thymus lymphoid tissue
- thymus medulla
- thymus trabecula
- thyroglossal duct
- thyroid gland capsule
- thyroid gland follicle
- thyroid gland isthmus
- thyroid gland lobe (2)
- thyroid gland medulla
- thyroid gland parenchyma
- tongue epithelium (2)
- tongue papilla (4)
- tongue skeletal muscle
- tonsil capsule
- tonsil crypt
- tooth (8)
- tooth cavity
- tooth enamel organ (2)
- trachea basal lamina
- trachea blood vessel
- trachea reticular lamina
- transverse nucleus
- transverse pericardial sinus
- trigeminal V motor nucleus
- trigeminal V nerve lingual branch
- trigeminal V nerve mandibular division
- trigeminal V nerve maxillary division
- trigeminal V nerve ophthalmic division
- trigeminal V sensory nucleus (3)
- truncus arteriosus
- trunk organ (65)
- tuberal area
- tuberomammillary nucleus
- tubotympanic recess
- tympanic cavity blood vessel
- tympanic cavity muscle (2)
- tympanic cavity nerves
- tympanic endothelium
- tympanic epithelium
- tympanic membrane
- tympanic ring
- upper back
- upper jaw
- urachus
- ureter adventitia
- ureter lamina propria
- ureter luminal urothelium
- ureter muscle layer
- ureter subluminal urothelium
- ureter urothelium
- ureteral valve
- urethra epithelium (1)
- urethra lamina propria
- urethra mesenchymal layer
- urethra muscle
- urethra skeletal muscle
- urethra smooth muscle
- urethral sphincter
- urinary bladder fundus region
- urinary bladder lamina propria
- urinary bladder mucosa
- urinary bladder muscle (3)
- urinary bladder muscularis mucosa
- urinary bladder neck
- urinary bladder serosa
- urinary bladder trigone
- urinary bladder urothelium
- urinary bladder wall
- urinary space
- uterine cervix
- uterine gland
- uterine horn (2)
- uterus serosa
- utricle epithelium
- uvea
- vagina epithelium (1)
- vagina smooth muscle
- vagina stroma
- vaginal hymen
- vagus X nerve left recurrent laryngeal branch
- vagus X nerve right recurrent laryngeal branch
- vas deferens epithelium
- vas deferens smooth muscle
- vascular system (2)
- venous system smooth muscle
- ventral lateral geniculate nucleus
- ventral posterior thalamic group
- ventral thalamus
- ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus
- vertebra (37)
- vertebra arch
- vertebra caudal articular process
- vertebra cranial articular process
- vertebra neural canal
- vertebra spinous process
- vertebra transverse process
- vertebral body
- vertebral pedicle
- vestibular aqueduct
- vestibular ganglion inferior part
- vestibular ganglion superior part
- vestibular labyrinth
- vestibular membrane
- vestibulocochlear VIII ganglion cochlear component
- vestibulocochlear VIII ganglion vestibular component
- vestibulocochlear VIII nerve cochlear component
- vestibulocochlear VIII nerve vestibular component
- vibrissa
- vibrissa hair
- vibrissa hair bulb
- vibrissa inner root sheath
- vibrissa outer root sheath
- vibrissa root sheath
- viscerocranium
- viscerocranium bone (11)
- vitreous body
- vomeronasal organ
- white matter (15)
- wrist
- xiphisternum
- zona incerta
- zona pellucida
Ontology Information
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