Defined byuberon
class Information
present in taxon
class Relations
Disjoint with
- digestive systemuberon
- circulatory systemuberon
- nervous systemuberon
- gustatory systemuberon
- skeletal systemuberon
- musculoskeletal systemuberon
- biliary systemuberon
- exocrine systemuberon
- hematopoietic systemuberon
- immune systemuberon
- integumental systemuberon
- hepatobiliary systemuberon
- entire sense organ systemuberon
- excretory systemuberon
- in taxonrosomeAcoelomorphancbitaxon
Subclass of
Related from
part of
- chordate pharynxuberon
- respiratory system arterioleuberon
- respiratory system lamina propriauberon
- respiratory airwayuberon
- cartilage of respiratory systemuberon
- respiratory system arteryuberon
- respiratory muscleuberon
- respiratory system glanduberon
- respiratory system muscleuberon
- vasculature of respiratory integumentuberon
- respiratory system lymphatic vessel endotheliumuberon
- respiration organuberon
- respiratory system basement membraneuberon
- respiratory system connective tissueuberon
- respiratory system smooth muscleuberon
- respiratory system epitheliumuberon
- respiratory system lymphatic vesseluberon
- respiratory system capillaryuberon
- respiratory system submucosauberon
- respiratory system skeletal muscleuberon
- respiratory system arterial endotheliumuberon
- respiratory system mucosauberon
- paranasal sinusuberon
- vein endothelial cell of respiratory systemcl
- pleurauberon
- diaphragmuberon
- respiratory system venuleuberon
- respiratory system venous endotheliumuberon
- respiratory tractuberon
- respiratory system arterial blood vesseluberon
- pulmonary interstitial fibroblastcl
- respiratory system capillary endotheliumuberon
- respiratory system elastic tissueuberon
- respiratory system blood vessel endotheliumuberon
- respiratory system blood vesseluberon
produced by
contributes to morphology of
has potential to develop into
located in
disease has location
in lateral side of