Defined byuberon
- entitybfo (33,767)
- continuantbfo (33,519)
- independent continuantbfo (6,986)
- anatomical entityuberon (6,541)
- material anatomical entityuberon (6,521)
- anatomical collectionuberon (1,022)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- anatomical structureuberon (6,501)
- anatomical systemuberon (5,249)
- organuberon (4,126)
- compound organuberon (822)
- respiratory airwayuberon (268)
- respiratory tractuberon (264)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- respiratory tractuberon (264)
- respiratory airwayuberon (268)
- organ partuberon (2,559)
- anatomical walluberon (847)
- organ component layeruberon (684)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- serous membraneuberon (115)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- organ component layeruberon (684)
- organ component layeruberon (684)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- subdivision of tubeuberon (1,069)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- anatomical walluberon (847)
- respiration organuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- serous sacuberon (64)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- trunk region elementuberon (906)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- compound organuberon (822)
- respiratory systemuberon (369)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- respiration organuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- respiratory airwayuberon (268)
- respiratory tractuberon (264)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- respiratory tractuberon (264)
- respiratory tractuberon (264)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- pleurauberon (6)
- organuberon (4,126)
- endoderm-derived structureuberon (577)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structureuberon (144)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- respiratory tractuberon (264)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lunguberon (118)
- lateral structureuberon (1,922)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- lunguberon (118)
- mesoderm-derived structureuberon (1,936)
- mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structureuberon (144)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- serous membraneuberon (115)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structureuberon (144)
- multicellular anatomical structureuberon (6,124)
- anatomical conduituberon (2,038)
- respiratory airwayuberon (268)
- respiratory tractuberon (264)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- respiratory tractuberon (264)
- tubeuberon (1,436)
- subdivision of tubeuberon (1,069)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- subdivision of tubeuberon (1,069)
- respiratory airwayuberon (268)
- multi-tissue structureuberon (788)
- serous membraneuberon (115)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- serous membraneuberon (115)
- multicellular organismuberon (6,092)
- anatomical systemuberon (5,249)
- organuberon (4,126)
- compound organuberon (822)
- respiratory airwayuberon (268)
- respiratory tractuberon (264)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- respiratory tractuberon (264)
- respiratory airwayuberon (268)
- organ partuberon (2,559)
- anatomical walluberon (847)
- organ component layeruberon (684)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- serous membraneuberon (115)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- organ component layeruberon (684)
- organ component layeruberon (684)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- subdivision of tubeuberon (1,069)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- anatomical walluberon (847)
- respiration organuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- serous sacuberon (64)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- trunk region elementuberon (906)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- compound organuberon (822)
- respiratory systemuberon (369)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- respiration organuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- respiratory airwayuberon (268)
- respiratory tractuberon (264)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- respiratory tractuberon (264)
- respiratory tractuberon (264)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- pleurauberon (6)
- organuberon (4,126)
- organism subdivisionuberon (2,995)
- body properuberon (1,781)
- trunkuberon (1,064)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- trunk region elementuberon (906)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- trunkuberon (1,064)
- main body axisuberon (1,848)
- body properuberon (1,781)
- trunkuberon (1,064)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- trunk region elementuberon (906)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- trunkuberon (1,064)
- subdivision of organism along main body axisuberon (1,781)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- trunkuberon (1,064)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- trunk region elementuberon (906)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- body properuberon (1,781)
- subdivision of organism along main body axisuberon (1,781)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- trunkuberon (1,064)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- trunk region elementuberon (906)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- body properuberon (1,781)
- anatomical systemuberon (5,249)
- organuberon (4,126)
- compound organuberon (822)
- respiratory airwayuberon (268)
- respiratory tractuberon (264)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- respiratory tractuberon (264)
- respiratory airwayuberon (268)
- organ partuberon (2,559)
- anatomical walluberon (847)
- organ component layeruberon (684)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- serous membraneuberon (115)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- organ component layeruberon (684)
- organ component layeruberon (684)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- subdivision of tubeuberon (1,069)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- anatomical walluberon (847)
- respiration organuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- serous sacuberon (64)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- trunk region elementuberon (906)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- compound organuberon (822)
- organ partuberon (2,559)
- anatomical walluberon (847)
- organ component layeruberon (684)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- serous membraneuberon (115)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- organ component layeruberon (684)
- organ component layeruberon (684)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- subdivision of tubeuberon (1,069)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- anatomical walluberon (847)
- organism subdivisionuberon (2,995)
- body properuberon (1,781)
- trunkuberon (1,064)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- trunk region elementuberon (906)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- trunkuberon (1,064)
- main body axisuberon (1,848)
- body properuberon (1,781)
- trunkuberon (1,064)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- trunk region elementuberon (906)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- trunkuberon (1,064)
- subdivision of organism along main body axisuberon (1,781)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- trunkuberon (1,064)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- trunk region elementuberon (906)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- body properuberon (1,781)
- subdivision of organism along main body axisuberon (1,781)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- trunkuberon (1,064)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- trunk region elementuberon (906)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- body properuberon (1,781)
- anatomical conduituberon (2,038)
- anatomical systemuberon (5,249)
- lateral structureuberon (1,922)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- lunguberon (118)
- anatomical collectionuberon (1,022)
- material anatomical entityuberon (6,521)
- material entitybfo (6,949)
- material anatomical entityuberon (6,521)
- anatomical collectionuberon (1,022)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- anatomical structureuberon (6,501)
- anatomical systemuberon (5,249)
- organuberon (4,126)
- compound organuberon (822)
- respiratory airwayuberon (268)
- respiratory tractuberon (264)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- respiratory tractuberon (264)
- respiratory airwayuberon (268)
- organ partuberon (2,559)
- anatomical walluberon (847)
- organ component layeruberon (684)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- serous membraneuberon (115)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- organ component layeruberon (684)
- organ component layeruberon (684)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- subdivision of tubeuberon (1,069)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- anatomical walluberon (847)
- respiration organuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- serous sacuberon (64)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- trunk region elementuberon (906)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- compound organuberon (822)
- respiratory systemuberon (369)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- respiration organuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- respiratory airwayuberon (268)
- respiratory tractuberon (264)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- respiratory tractuberon (264)
- respiratory tractuberon (264)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- pleurauberon (6)
- organuberon (4,126)
- endoderm-derived structureuberon (577)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structureuberon (144)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- respiratory tractuberon (264)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lunguberon (118)
- lateral structureuberon (1,922)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- lunguberon (118)
- mesoderm-derived structureuberon (1,936)
- mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structureuberon (144)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- serous membraneuberon (115)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structureuberon (144)
- multicellular anatomical structureuberon (6,124)
- anatomical conduituberon (2,038)
- respiratory airwayuberon (268)
- respiratory tractuberon (264)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- respiratory tractuberon (264)
- tubeuberon (1,436)
- subdivision of tubeuberon (1,069)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- subdivision of tubeuberon (1,069)
- respiratory airwayuberon (268)
- multi-tissue structureuberon (788)
- serous membraneuberon (115)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- serous membraneuberon (115)
- multicellular organismuberon (6,092)
- anatomical systemuberon (5,249)
- organuberon (4,126)
- compound organuberon (822)
- respiratory airwayuberon (268)
- respiratory tractuberon (264)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- respiratory tractuberon (264)
- respiratory airwayuberon (268)
- organ partuberon (2,559)
- anatomical walluberon (847)
- organ component layeruberon (684)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- serous membraneuberon (115)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- organ component layeruberon (684)
- organ component layeruberon (684)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- subdivision of tubeuberon (1,069)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- anatomical walluberon (847)
- respiration organuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- serous sacuberon (64)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- trunk region elementuberon (906)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- compound organuberon (822)
- respiratory systemuberon (369)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- respiration organuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- respiratory airwayuberon (268)
- respiratory tractuberon (264)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- respiratory tractuberon (264)
- respiratory tractuberon (264)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- pleurauberon (6)
- organuberon (4,126)
- organism subdivisionuberon (2,995)
- body properuberon (1,781)
- trunkuberon (1,064)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- trunk region elementuberon (906)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- trunkuberon (1,064)
- main body axisuberon (1,848)
- body properuberon (1,781)
- trunkuberon (1,064)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- trunk region elementuberon (906)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- trunkuberon (1,064)
- subdivision of organism along main body axisuberon (1,781)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- trunkuberon (1,064)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- trunk region elementuberon (906)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- body properuberon (1,781)
- subdivision of organism along main body axisuberon (1,781)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- trunkuberon (1,064)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- trunk region elementuberon (906)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- body properuberon (1,781)
- anatomical systemuberon (5,249)
- organuberon (4,126)
- compound organuberon (822)
- respiratory airwayuberon (268)
- respiratory tractuberon (264)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- respiratory tractuberon (264)
- respiratory airwayuberon (268)
- organ partuberon (2,559)
- anatomical walluberon (847)
- organ component layeruberon (684)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- serous membraneuberon (115)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- organ component layeruberon (684)
- organ component layeruberon (684)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- subdivision of tubeuberon (1,069)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- anatomical walluberon (847)
- respiration organuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- serous sacuberon (64)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- trunk region elementuberon (906)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- compound organuberon (822)
- organ partuberon (2,559)
- anatomical walluberon (847)
- organ component layeruberon (684)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- serous membraneuberon (115)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- organ component layeruberon (684)
- organ component layeruberon (684)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- subdivision of tubeuberon (1,069)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- pair of lungsuberon (119)
- lower respiratory tractuberon (207)
- proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tractuberon (261)
- anatomical walluberon (847)
- organism subdivisionuberon (2,995)
- body properuberon (1,781)
- trunkuberon (1,064)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- trunk region elementuberon (906)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- trunkuberon (1,064)
- main body axisuberon (1,848)
- body properuberon (1,781)
- trunkuberon (1,064)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- trunk region elementuberon (906)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- trunkuberon (1,064)
- subdivision of organism along main body axisuberon (1,781)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- trunkuberon (1,064)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- trunk region elementuberon (906)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- body properuberon (1,781)
- subdivision of organism along main body axisuberon (1,781)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- trunkuberon (1,064)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- trunk region elementuberon (906)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- viscusuberon (459)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- subdivision of trunkuberon (961)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic segment organuberon (376)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- lunguberon (118)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic cavity elementuberon (328)
- thoracic segment of trunkuberon (422)
- body properuberon (1,781)
- anatomical conduituberon (2,038)
- anatomical systemuberon (5,249)
- lateral structureuberon (1,922)
- lunguberon (118)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleural sacuberon (8)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- lunguberon (118)
- anatomical collectionuberon (1,022)
- systemro (1,846)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- material anatomical entityuberon (6,521)
- anatomical entityuberon (6,541)
- independent continuantbfo (6,986)
- continuantbfo (33,519)
- rootncbitaxon (2,603)
- cellular organismsncbitaxon (2,252)
- Eukaryotancbitaxon (1,966)
- Opisthokontancbitaxon (1,800)
- Metazoancbitaxon (1,637)
- Eumetazoancbitaxon (1,635)
- serous membraneuberon (115)
- pleurauberon (6)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- visceral serous membraneuberon (29)
- visceral pleurauberon (1)
- pleurauberon (6)
- serous membraneuberon (115)
- Eumetazoancbitaxon (1,635)
- Metazoancbitaxon (1,637)
- Opisthokontancbitaxon (1,800)
- Eukaryotancbitaxon (1,966)
- cellular organismsncbitaxon (2,252)
class Information
present in taxon
class Relations
Subclass of
Related from
adjacent to