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A reproductive shoot system (reproductive shoot system) that has as parts all of the shoot axes (shoot axis) and flowers (flower; must have two or more) distal to the most distal leaf (vascular leaf).

An inflorescence is a reproductive shoot system from which at least two flowers develop. The growth pattern of an inflorescence may be monopodial (single main shoot axis), sympodial (growth only occurs from axillary meristems), or both. An inflorescence axis (inflorescence axis) can be determinate or indeterminate. An inflorescence flower pedicel (inflorescence flower pedicel) is the ultimate axis in an inflorescence. The flower (flower) of many plants, for example Magnolia spp., is solitary.

Also appears intogallontectoppopride + 6
Exact Synonyms
inflorescencia (Spanish, exact)
花序 (Japanese, exact)
Narrow Synonyms
Triticeae spike (narrow)