lymphatic vessel
A vessel that contains or conveys lymph, that originates as an interfibrillar or intercellular cleft or space in a tissue or organ, and that if small has no distinct walls or walls composed only of endothelial cells and if large resembles a vein in structure[BTO].
Exact Synonyms
lymph vessel
Related Synonyms
vas lymphaticum
class Information
- A network of blunt ended vessels lacking direct connection to the blood vascular system. These vessels collect and drain fluids and macromolecules from interstitial spaces throughout the animal. They derive from a subpopulation of endothelial cells and have walls that are much thinner than the blood carrying vessels. Lymphatic vessels are usually classified as either superficial or deep.[TAO]
- A vessel that contains or conveys lymph.[AAO]
Tetrapods have evolved distinct lymphatic systems, in which lymphatic capillaries help drain most of the tissues of the body.[well established][VHOG]
present in taxon
class Relations
Disjoint with
Equivalent to
- (vesselandpart ofrosomelymph vasculature)
Subclass of
Related from
results in formation of anatomical entity
continuous with
contributes to morphology of
luminal space of
results in morphogenesis of
part of
results in development of