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intrinsic muscle of tongue

The intrinsic tongue muscles are an integral part of the tongue and completely contained within the tongue that are innervated by Cranial Nerve XII.

Also appears inhcaodhbaflopomondohra + 11
Exact Synonyms
intrinsic lingual muscle
intrinsic tongue muscle
class Information

The intrinsic tongue muscles are an integral part of the tongue that are innervated by Cranial Nerve XII.[FEED]


The main function of the intrinsic muscles is to provide shape. They are not involved with changing the position of the tongue and are not attached to bone




The lamprey head contains another group of muscles, the epi- and hypo-branchial muscles (EBM and HBM), derivatives of anterior trunk myotomes. (...) The origin and the migration pattern of HBM precursors are very similar to that of the gnathostome MPP, especially to that of the tongue muscle precursors. Other evidence of homology of lamprey HBM to the gnathostome tongue muscle is that HBM is innervated by the nerve termed the hypoglossal nerve based on its morphological position associated with the head/trunk interface. (...) The HBM-specific expression of the LampPax3/7 gene is consistent with the homology of this muscle to the gnathostome tongue muscle, or to the hypobranchial series as a whole (including the infrahyoid and possibly the diaphragm in mammals).[well established][VHOG]

present in taxon

Homo sapiensncbitaxon

class Relations