taste bud
A specialized receptor organ that is a collection of cells spanning the gustatory epithelium.
Exact Synonyms
Related Synonyms
caliculus gustatorius
taste buds
class Information
arise by inductive interactions between epithelial cells and invading gustatory cells from chorda tympani (facial), glossophrayngeal and vagues nerves ISBN:1607950324 (todo - request cell terms from CL)
- A chemoreceptive organ.[AAO]
- One of a number of receptor cell nests located in the epithelium of the papillae of the tongue and in the soft palate, epiglottis, and pharynx that mediate the sense of taste. [TFD][VHOG]
Experients in amphibia have shown that an intrinsic feature of the pharyngeal endoderm is its ability to generate taste buds and this capacity must have been acquired by the endoderm at the origin of the vertebrates.[well established][VHOG]
mutually spatially disjoint with
In humans, saste buds may be found on the tongue, soft palatte, epiglottis and upper pharynx. In other species they may be found in more unusual places, such as the trunk, or on the barbels or fins of fish.
class Relations
Subclass of
- organ
- gustatory organ
- endoderm-derived structure
- part ofrosomegustatory system
- part ofrosomegustatory epithelium
- has partbfosometaste receptor cellcl
- develops fromrosomeearly pharyngeal endoderm
- capable ofrosomedetection of chemical stimulus involved in sensory perception of tastego
- contributes to morphology ofrosomegustatory system
- has partbfosometaste receptor cellcl
- develops fromrosomeearly pharyngeal endoderm
- part ofrosomegustatory system
- part ofrosomegustatory epithelium
Related from
results in formation of anatomical entity
results in development of
results in morphogenesis of
part of