Part of the metencephalon that lies in the posterior cranial fossa behind the brain stem. It is concerned with the coordination of movement[MESH]. A large dorsally projecting part of the brain concerned especially with the coordination of muscles and the maintenance of bodily equilibrium, situated between the brain stem and the back of the cerebrum , and formed in humans of two lateral lobes and a median lobe[BTO]. Brain structure derived from the anterior hindbrain, and perhaps including posterior midbrain. The cerebellum plays a role in somatic motor function, the control of muscle tone, and balance[ZFA].
class Information
- Dorsal part of the hindbrain that coordinates muscle movement, posture, and balance.[AAO]
- Specialized brain region derived from the dorsal metencephalon (anterior hindbrain, and perhaps including posterior midbrain) and becoming distinctive late in the segmentation period. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO]
almost all AOs agree that the cerebellum is part of the hindbrain (sometimes specifically part of the metencephalon, which, when present, is part of the hindbrain). However, ABA has cerebellum and brain stem as partof siblings, with the hindbrain part of the brainstem
- AAO:0010485
- BIRNLEX:1489
- cerebellumbto
- CALOHA:TS-0125
- cerebellumdhba
- obsolete_cerebellumefo
- EHDAA2:0000232
- cerebellumemapa
- EV:0100293
- Cerebellumfma
- GAID:595
- cerebellumhba
- cerebellumma
- MAT:0000110
- MBA:512
- MESH:D002531
- MIAA:0000110
- Cerebellumncit
- neuronames:643
- SCTID:180924008
- TAO:0000100
- UMLS:C0007765
- UMLS:C1268981
- VHOG:0000024
- Wikipedia:Cerebellum
- cerebellumxao
- cerebellumzfa
However, although the lamprey possesses a region comparable to the cerebellum and display expression of LjFgf8/17 at the MHB (midbrain hindbrain boundary), it does not have Purkinje cells and cerebellar nuclei, as well as components of the rhombic lip-derived cerebellar and pre-cerebellar systems. It is noteworthy that the latter structures require specific expression of Pax6 in the rhombic lip of the gnathostome hindbrain. Interestingly, the lamprey rhombic lip does not express Pax6. Thus, it is tempting to speculate that in vertebrate evolution the rostral hindbrain is incapable of differentiating into the cerebellum before the co-option of Pax6 in that region. In other words, cerebellum has been brought about as an evolutionary innovation in gnathostomes, based on exaptation of MHB, rhombic lip, and some regulatory gene expression already present in the vertebrate common ancestor.[well established][VHOG]
The absence of a cerebellum in hagfishes and lampreys appears to be the only exception [to the rule that vertebrates possess the same number of brain divisions]. Both hagfishes and lampreys do possess a thin band of cells located medial to the lateral line centers of the medulla (Ronan and Northcutt, 1998), which has been interpreted as a primitive cerebellum (Larsell, 1967), but more recent experimental studies (Kishida et al., 1987; Weigle and Northcutt, 1998) fail to support Larsell's claim[]
class Relations
- regional part of brain
- part ofrosomemetencephalon
- part ofrosomehindbrain
- in taxonrosomeVertebrata <vertebrates>ncbitaxon
- in taxonrosomenotMyxinincbitaxon
- develops fromrosomerhombic lip
- capable ofrosomegross motor coordinationnbo
- contributes to morphology ofrosomemetencephalon
- part ofrosomehindbrain
- in taxonrosomeVertebrata <vertebrates>ncbitaxon
- part ofrosomemetencephalon
- develops fromrosomerhombic lip
- prepyramidal fissure of cerebellum
- gross anatomical parts of the cerebellum
- spinocerebellum
- ansoparamedian fissure of cerebellum
- parallel fiber
- granular eminence
- eminentia granularis
- cerebellar layer
- superior medullary velum
- cerebellum marginal layer
- white matter lamina of cerebellum
- horizontal fissure of cerebellum
- vestibulocerebellum
- cerebellar plate
- vestibulolateralis lobe
- astrocyte of the cerebellumcl
- cerebellar cortex
- posterior superior fissure of cerebellum
- cerebellar nuclear complex
- corpus cerebelli
- choroid plexus of fourth ventricle
- primary fissure of cerebellum
- superficial feature part of the cerebellum
- postcentral fissure of cerebellum
- cerebral blood vessel
- cerebellum vasculature
- valvula cerebelli
- posterolateral fissure of cerebellum
- cerebellar glomerulus
- secondary fissure of cerebellum
- cerebellum fissure