Endoskeletal elements that encase the brain, nose, inner ear[cjm]. that part of the neurocranium formed by endochondral ossification and comprising the bones of the base of the skull[TFD].
Related Synonyms
class Information
editor note
we follow the standard evolutionary classification and treat this as endoskeletal. This means what MA calls 'chondrocranium' must in fact be neurocranium, as it includes parts of the dermatocranium (e.g. frontal, parietal)
- Anatomical cluster that is part of the cranium and composed of cartilage and cartilage replacement bones.[TAO]
- Anatomical cluster that is part of the cranium and composed of cartilage and cartilage replacement bones.[AAO]
covers the brain dorsally in chondrichthyans
class Relations
Related from
part of
- olfactory region
- pila metoptica
- pterosphenoid
- kinethmoid bone
- sphenotic
- sphenoid bone pre-cartilage condensation
- basioccipital endochondral element
- exoccipital cartilage element
- supraoccipital endochondral element
- exoccipital pre-cartilage condensation
- exoccipital bone
- mesethmoid element
- pterotic
- exoccipital endochondral element
- hypophysial region
- supraoccipital bone
- basioccipital pre-cartilage condensation
- supraoccipital pre-cartilage condensation
- taeniae tecti marginalis
- basioccipital bone
- pila antoptica
- supraoccipital cartilage element
- cartilage element of chondrocranium
- prootic bone
- sphenoid cartilage element
- taenia tecti transversalis
- pterotic-posttemporal-supracleithrum
- taenia tecti marginalis
- taenia tecti medialis
- orbital pillar
- basicranium
- otic region
- lateral ethmoid bone
- sphenoid region
- endochondral scleral ossicle
- body of sphenoid
- pila preoptica
- basisphenoid pre-cartilage condensation
- basisphenoid bone
- preethmoid bone
- epiotic