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postnatal subventricular zone

A mitotically active layer of cells surrounding the brain ventricles in the adult that consists of migrating neuroblasts, astrocytes and transitory amplifying progenitor cells[MP].

Also appears indhbampgouphenooba
Exact Synonyms
adult subventricular zone
brain subventricular zone
postnatal subventricular zone
subventricular zone of brain
subventricular zone
Related Synonyms
postnatal subependymal layer
postnatal subependymal plate
postnatal subependymal zone
subependymal layer
subependymal plate
subependymal zone
class Information
  • A paired brain structure situated throughout the lateral walls of the lateral ventricles. It has been associated with having four distinct layers of variable thickness and cell density, as well as cellular composition[WP][Wikipedia:Subventricular_zone].
  • The subventricular zone (SVZ) is one of two sources of adult-born neurons in the mammalian brain, the other being the subgranular zone (SGZ) of the hippocampus. In most adult mammals, the SVZ is a three-layered sheath that lies along the lateral wall of the lateral ventricle and consists of type A, B, and C cells. Type A rest along the ventricle wall and are neuronal precursor cells, Type B are adjacent astrocytes, and Type C are immature precursors to the Type A neuroblasts. The neuronal precursor cells travel along the rostral migratory stream ensheathed in a tube of Type B astrocytes, until they reach the olfactory bulb. There they integrate into the existing cellular network and mature into local interneurons. While the majority become adult-born granule cells, a subset become periglomerular cells. Interestingly, the human SVZ differs from other mammals' in several ways. It consists of four layers rather than three: ependymal cells (layer I), a hypo cellular gap (layer II), a ribbon of astrocytes (layer III), and a transitional zone (layer IV). The astrocytes are capable of differentiating into many kinds of tissue including new neurons. However, there is no evidence that the proliferating neurons travel along the rostral migratory stream in a chain to populate the olfactory bulb with new interneurons, as is the case for other mammals[NLX:144262].
  • The subventricular zone (SVZ) is a paired brain structure situated throughout the lateral walls of the lateral ventricles. Along with the subgranular zone of dentate gyrus, subventricular zone serves as a source of neural stem cells in the process of adult neurogenesis. It harbors the largest population of proliferating cells in the adult brain of rodents, monkeys and humans. Neurons generated in SVZ travel to the olfactory bulb via the rostral migratory stream[BTO:0003090].



WP divides this into 4 layers.

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