T-helper 17 cell
CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell with the phenotype RORgamma-t-positive, CXCR3-negative, CCR6-positive, and capable of producing IL-17.
This cell type is compatible with the HIPC Lyoplate markers for 'Th17 CD4+ T cell', but its logical definition includes additional known characteristics of T-helper 17 T cells.
Exact Synonyms
helper T cell type 17
IL-17-producing CD4+ T helper
T helper cells type 17
T(H)-17 cell
Th17 CD4+ T cell
Th17 cell
Th17 T cell
Th17 T lymphocyte
Th17 T-cell
Th17 T-lymphocyte
class Information
present in taxon
class Relations
Equivalent to
Subclass of
Related from
results in movement of
has participant
results in acquisition of features of