Chemical Components in the PDB

PDBeChem : Atoms of Molecule

 Molecule : 24T

Atoms of a chemical element, that composes a molecule

Total Number of Atoms: 13

Record Atom Name Symbol PDB Name Stereochemistry Is Aromatic Is Leaving Atom Charge X-Coordinate Y-Coordinate Z-Coordinate
1 S1 S S1 N Y N 0 1.211 0.0 -0.723
2 C2 C C2 N Y N 0 -0.496 0.001 -1.036
3 N3 N N3 N Y N 0 -1.002 -0.004 0.181
4 C4 C C4 N Y N 0 -0.22 0.0 1.245
5 C5 C C5 N Y N 0 1.121 0.0 1.06
6 N N N N N N 0 -1.158 0.001 -2.254
7 CM C CM N N N 0 -0.807 0.001 2.633
8 H5 H H5 N N N 0 1.917 0.0 1.79
9 HN1 H 1HN N N N 0 -0.652 0.001 -3.081
10 HN2 H 2HN N N N 0 -2.128 0.001 -2.279
11 HM1 H 1HM N N N 0 -0.948 1.029 2.967
12 HM2 H 2HM N N N 0 -1.768 -0.511 2.621
13 HM3 H 3HM N N N 0 -0.129 -0.513 3.314