Chemical Components in the PDB

PDBeChem : Atoms of Molecule

 Molecule : DQY

Atoms of a chemical element, that composes a molecule

Total Number of Atoms: 20

Record Atom Name Symbol PDB Name Stereochemistry Is Aromatic Is Leaving Atom Charge X-Coordinate Y-Coordinate Z-Coordinate
1 S S S N N N 0 -1.858 0.202 0.407
2 C1 C C1 N N N 0 2.202 -0.074 0.006
3 O1 O O1 N N N 0 2.27 -1.133 -0.571
4 C2 C C2 N N N 0 0.857 0.502 0.368
5 O2 O O2 N N N 0 3.324 0.587 0.33
6 C3 C C3 N N N 0 -0.247 -0.446 -0.105
7 CM1 C CM1 N N N 0 -1.738 1.496 -0.853
8 CM2 C CM2 N N N 0 -2.625 -1.387 0.002
9 H2 H H2 N N N 0 0.793 0.623 1.449
10 H2A H H2A N N N 0 0.735 1.471 -0.114
11 HO2 H HO2 N N N 0 4.163 0.176 0.081
12 H3 H H3 N N N 0 -0.095 -1.431 0.336
13 H3A H H3A N N N 0 -0.216 -0.526 -1.192
14 HM1 H HM1 N N N 0 -1.248 1.095 -1.74
15 HM1A H HM1A N N N 0 -2.738 1.842 -1.115
16 HM1B H HM1B N N N 0 -1.156 2.33 -0.462
17 HM2 H HM2 N N N 0 -2.172 -2.173 0.606
18 HM2A H HM2A N N N 0 -3.694 -1.338 0.212
19 HM2B H HM2B N N N 0 -2.472 -1.606 -1.055
20 HS H HS N N N 0 -3.113 0.706 0.806